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Web3Privacy Now

Web3Privacy Now

Web3privacy now is a research project aimed at discovering, highlighting, and analyzing privacy-enhancing services within the Web3 industry.
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Make Cypherpunk - one Ethereum block at a time

30 years passed since the Cypherpunk Manifesto was published. And people in crypto like Vitalik Buterin keep returning to the cypherpunk ideology claiming that our industry has lost its original purpose.
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Add your privacy project to Explorer

Explorer aka “l2beat for privacy” is an analytical service measuring the state of privacy in web3.
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Q2 delivery update

Welcome to W3PN report time 🦿- we will cover activities across our community from the Prague Summit to the Hackathon use-case generator.
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Community update: Q1 24’

We want to share public updates within the Web3Privacy Now ecosystem & encourage everyone to help us scale privacy adoption: contribute on Git, participate in research, speak at events & exchange ideas in the community.
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Week in the Privacy News: Feb 5-11

Web3Privacy Now
February 12
es this issue Every week - 1 curated round-up of the most important news related to privacy in the Web3. Freedom, security and decentralisation topics as a bonus.
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Privacy services scoring model: part 1

Web3Privacy Now
February 01
Imagine that you want to check if the web3 service is private or not. But you aren’t a protocol architect or core contributor. Where would you start?
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#2023privacyproof finalists announced

Web3Privacy Now
January 24
We are thrilled to announce the winners of the #2023privacyproof annual privacy tech poll made by Logos, DarkFi, Swarm, HOPR, Railgun_, Nym, Circles UBI, Rotki...
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Doxxer of the year #2023privacyproof

Web3Privacy Now
January 21
The selection of the anti-privacy “Doxxers” has been made by 100+ privacy enthusiasts, developers, researchers, cryptographers, cypherpunks, and builders
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Exciting innovation in privacy #2023privacyproof

Web3Privacy Now
January 19
The selection of the “Exciting Innovations” has been made by 100+ privacy enthusiasts, developers, researchers, cryptographers, cypherpunks, and community builders.