Your time to shine light on privacy

Time to shine light on privacy

In a tangled world wide web of information, a jungle where every option seems to have a hidden gotcha, we have all have become sceptical of the motives behind each and every source of information As the debate around technology's impact on society intensifies, privacy has taken centre stage. Many of us, who once treated privacy as an afterthought, are now asking: "Where do I even start?"

That's where you—the techno-optimist—comes into the picture.

To empower peers and future users according to their privacy, risk, and transparency needs, we invite you to list your project on the Web3Privacy Explorer. It doesn’t matter if it’s your own project, or your favourite tool.

Start adding your project here


This forever-free and open-source public good is tailored specifically for privacy-centric projects.

Our goal is non-commercial; we aim to empower individuals to take back control of their digital lives and privacy by helping them better understand their tech stack. Every project that lists its services on the Explorer brings us closer to a world where fewer people become victims of data breaches.

The Web3Privacy explorer enables users to quickly identify potential fits and gain more traction while showing how each product treats issues such as KYC, collected data, third-party dependencies, privacy policy, compliance, and more.

It’s not just your peers and individuals that you are empowering by listing your project.

In the wake of endless data breaches and their consequences, individuals and organisations are now seeking ways to protect user data. Your project can play a role in effecting this change.

Despite the growing demand for information, making sense of available tooling is like navigating a minefield— it’s hard to find objective sources of information that aren’t trying to sell you something.

Now more than ever, the privacy movement needs a neutral source of information that is freely accessible. Web3PrivacyNow and its explorer provide this source of clarity.

The explorer’s privacy scoring reflects where your offering sits on the privacy spectrum, ranging from fully transparent to completely private. Alongside the rest of the listed information, the privacy scoring gives potential users and business decision-makers an opportunity to understand the trade-offs within each given comparison and then use that information to make informed decisions.

There’s a need for you. Tap into it. Today.

We need Privacy.
Privacy needs us. 
Your actions have an impact.

List your (favourite) project on

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