Q2 delivery update

Welcome to W3PN report time 🦿- we will cover activities across our community from the Prague Summit to the Hackathon use-case generator.

Ecosystem touch

We actively work on privacy advocacy across many verticals from delivering “l2beat for privacy” to events. Ecosystem thinking helps to understand our goals better.


Some people think we are an event-centric community. It’s just partially true. This year we tripled the amount of events - from meetups to summits.

  • Bucharest - meetup & paneling at ETHBucharest

  • Amsterdam - meetup, talks, jury & paneling at ETHDam

  • Berlin - meetup & Privacy corner experience at ETHBerlin

  • Prague - summit & jury at ETHPrague

  • Brussels - occupy meetup at EthCC

  • Barcelona - panel at Web3FC conference

  • Prague - talk at Monerokon

feat Kieran x Railgun, Tim Bansemer x AQUA protocol, Robert de Groot x Swarm, ​Alex | Secret Saturn x Secret Network, ​Daniel Luca x Eden Block

David Chaum opening W3PN meetup
David Chaum opening W3PN meetup


Peter x Coin Center, Fatemeh x Swarm, Lefteris x Rotki paneling at W3PN
Peter x Coin Center, Fatemeh x Swarm, Lefteris x Rotki paneling at W3PN

feat ​afri [ETHBerlin/Department of decentralization], ​Peter Van Valkenburgh | Coin Center, ​Jaya Klara Brekke | Nym, ​Josh | The Blockchain Socialist, ​Sebastian | HOPR, ​Will Scott | FIDL - Filecoin incentive design labs, ​Ying Tong | Geometry Research, ​Stella R. Magnet | Black Sky/Radicle, ​Lefteris | Rotki, ​Sergei| Status/Waku, ​Fatemeh | Swarm, Daira-Emma Hopwood | Zcash

Full stream

Talk by talk: link

microsite by tree https://c24ber.web3privacy.info
microsite by tree https://c24ber.web3privacy.info


  • 200+ people passed through us

  • 100+ hackers got feedback & brainstormed on their use cases & privacy features

  • 20+ matching chats (project + expert) were created

  • 8 @TBSocialist books have been sold

  • 10 Cypherpunk trends self-published books by @jurbed were distributed

  • 40 posters were distributed for donations (from 60 cents to 100 EUR)

contributors: czepluch, tree, Coinmandeer, Mario, ligi, Mykola


feat ​Jaromil, ​Franzi, ​Nick Almond, Michel Bauwens, ​Dr. Paul Dylan-Ennis aka @post_polar_, ​Ben West, ​Pavol Luptak, Sebastian, ​Vaclav, ​Steffen, ​serinko, Ameen Souleimani, ​Andreas, @huxian333, ​@misaakidis, ​@robdotrego, ​Ahmed, ​Mario, althea, ​Sterlin, Tor Ekeland,, ​Seth For Privacy, OddNameScott Moore & Vitalik Buterin

Privacy Pools dialogue between Ameen & Vitalik
Privacy Pools dialogue between Ameen & Vitalik
Community feedback on our Summit
Community feedback on our Summit

Remote talks are available here: link

contributors: czepluch, jensei, Marios, Alina, Robert, Killushine, Nicklaz, OddName, mf, Coinmandeer, PG, Mykola, Michael, BabyBit, Barış Büyükakyol, Tranquil Flow, tree, Daniel Luca & many-many wonderful others.


‘L2beat for privacy” (web2: IMDB for privacy) - one place with all projects delivering privacy in web3. With enriched profiles & scoring how private are they.

  • Active data aggregation

  • Bug fixes

  • Design layout

  • Team formation

future UI
future UI

contributors: Killushine, Ethanolo, RSSC #1, Coinmandeer, Develit, Ant, Mykola


Our newborn approach for gaining technical support and financial sustainability - from both individuals and orgs - is proving successful and has received widespread appreciation. This model will enable us to give back to contributors and scale effectively while maintaining our independence and neutrality.

Logos became the first org-as-a-member of Web3Privacy Now.

Dyne.org, Anoma, 0xbow joined as members too - keep eyes on public announcements.

Current partners supporting W3PN
Current partners supporting W3PN

contributors: PG, Jaromil, Dyne.org, ktlxv, Will Scott, Kaite Stapleton, Marina

Hackathon use-case generator

Many hackers come to hackathons without any ideas. Sometimes they build tools for fun, partially they are useless as further products. Why not solve this pain point?

Hackathon use-case generator will help to create hundreds of privacy-focused ideas to hack.

simple UI by Guru
simple UI by Guru
  • Privacy use-cases DB aggregated link

  • Expert ideas sourced link

  • Search filters sorted

  • Simple UI v1.0 shipped link

Note that this is a part of the “Hacker journey” handbook within the privacy market: from tools to frameworks.

contributors: Guru, Tim, Giacomo, Mykola


People love our branding. We already shipped 24’ seasonal merch & posters.

Next stop - fully open-sourced branding, online shop for ones who want to support us.

Figma with all branding assets: link

contributors: Coinmandeer


Have you witnessed that there’s no agnostic Privacy 101 course? We are currently delivering one: first curating existing content, & later making original W3PN content and lectures.

Aim: empower all with accessible and digestible knowledge - no matter how technical / experienced they are, this will be curated so to enable anyone to easily find and explore info at their own pace and based on their curiosity.

  • Curator - found: OddName

  • Preliminary research - made: link

  • Basic Video playlists shipped: 1 & 2

contributors: OddName, Mykola, PG

Privacy Landscape Map

Infographics helps to show scale of privacy market: +700 projects delivering privacy preserving techs - lets put them on the wall. It’s impressive.

contributors: Vika, Coinmandeer


When was the last time you checked how Coindesk or The Block are covering privacy? Majority of the news are doom&gloom or fundraising. We try to cover lack of privacy-focused news within our Newsletter.

But give us some time to find curator & make it a weekly activity.

  • Project revitalised

  • News aggregated for 2-3 weeks

  • Pushed to community

contributors: Mykola


  • Fiat Lux feat Mykola: watch

  • ETHDam: Lunarpunk vs Solarpunk feat PG, Ameen Soleimani, Kieran Mesquita - watch

  • ETHDam: Activating 100M people in privacy feat Mykola: watch

  • Berlin meetup: Why we are all here feat Mykola: watch


Loud reminder why we all here. Focused on care & support. Inclusiveness & diversity within opinions & voices.

contributors: Mykola, Coinmandeer, PG, NicLaz


We love games. Especially, when they have positive impact. So we decided to fork pro-capitalistic Monopoly & turn it into anti-surveillance Privacypoly.

Players connect with each other to make free & self-sovereign stack. Main currency - your data.

contributors: Mykola


No one knows what the future lies in front of us. But we can talk about it in a playful way. Tarot cards with David Chaum, Amir Taaki, Department of Justice, P2P tech awaits you.

Privacy Tarot is a mediation on power-relations within the free internet, privacy & crypto.

contributors: Mykola


More & more people tell us that they applied to vacancies by using our Jobs in Privacy board.

  • Updated available jobs

  • Created a form for orgs to post a job: link

  • Spread within the community

contributors: Adam, Mykola


Our experience shows that Matrix, Signal, Telegram have different levels of engagement & accessability. That’s why we expanded our community comms to Telegram - currently building non gloom&doom, productive & open comms for privacy players to collab & share news.

  • Created TG channel

  • Invited privacy players from HOPR to Zcash

  • Foster communication

contributors: Mykola, PG

DB update

One of our favourite activity - explore new projects promising privacy. Lately, Privacy & Scaling Explorations researcher told us that she uses our DB. So it works!

  • Researched the market

  • Added new projects into DB

  • Fixed broken links

contributors: Mykola


Vitalik wrote a post on cypherpunk + Ethereum last year. But even he can’t follow everything related with privacy & ethereum, so we decided to map down what’s going on with privacy in major ecosystem. Supported by MolochDAO.

contributors: Mykola


Thanks for reading 🚀We want to share something we love - music, movies, books, art.

Let force of privacy be with you 🧙‍♀️, yours W3PN

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