简单介绍一下Lifeform,Lifeform是去中心化视觉(DID)项目。视觉 DID 就是 Web 3 中用户的可视化身份识别。它可以帮助每个人通过 MPC 或零知识证明创建他们的第一个 Web3 虚拟身份,当然还伴随着更多的实用功能,例如,用户可以通过自己的 DID 形象绑定钱包、数字资产等,通过视觉 DID 应用到各种场景,比如元宇宙、游戏、直播、IP、会议等。
AMA Recap - The Interweaving of MetaJuice and the IMVU Metaverse
It is a great pleasure to invite Brendon Lindsey, Marketing Director of Metajuice, to talk about the relationship between IMVU and MetaJuice and the future plans of MetaJuice