How to Build an Engaged Web3 Community

The most successful companies transcend mere transactions with their customers—they cultivate passionate fans who embody the brand, advocate for it, and make it an integral part of their identity. In the Web3 ecosystem, this dynamic is amplified by the principles of ownership and co-creation, where community members aren’t just users but stakeholders with a vested interest in the project’s success.

The Power of 1,000 True Fans

One of the key insights for building an engaged community is understanding that you don’t need millions of followers to succeed. Instead, focus on cultivating a core group of true fans—people who are deeply invested in your project and willing to advocate for it. In Web3, having a dedicated base of 1,000 true fans can be far more valuable than having a superficial following of millions. These fans will support you through the highs and lows, spreading the word and contributing to the community’s growth and success.

There will be times when your project is new and hot, times when it’s not as trendy, and times when it’s under fire. In these fluctuating moments, your true fans will be the ones who stay, engage, and help navigate challenges. This underscores the importance of building a community that believes in your mission and values, not just your product.

Articulate Your “Why”

At the core of every successful community is a clear and compelling mission. Your business should be rooted in solving real problems for your customers—problems that have a meaningful impact on their lives. Being able to articulate why these problems matter is crucial. When your community understands and aligns with your mission, it gives them something to rally around, creating a shared sense of purpose.

Transparency: The Cornerstone of Trust

In the decentralized world of Web3, transparency isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s an expectation. Transparency across operations, financials, and decision-making processes helps establish trust among community members. As a leader, you’re expected to be open and honest, creating an environment where your community feels informed and involved.

Evolution of Leadership Expectations:

  • Web1: Focus on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).

  • Web2: Emphasis on Authenticity.

  • Web3: Demands for Transparency.

Transparency builds credibility, making your community more likely to stick with you during tough times and more enthusiastic about celebrating successes.

Treat Your Community as Owners

To truly engage your community, treat them as co-owners of the project. Share behind-the-scenes insights, be open about challenges, and involve them in decision-making. For instance, Push DAO shares weekly updates via a governance call, which fills the community in on all the progress we have made and any new upcoming initiatives. This level of openness not only builds trust but also fosters a deeper connection between the project and its community.

Building together and in public means putting organizational decisions in front of your community before they are made, making them feel heard and fully invested. Creating councils or committees that embed or advise your team can ensure that your decisions consistently align with the community’s needs. At Push DAO, we have a DAO Council that acts as a voice of the community, helping to distill their wants and needs in a focused and controlled manner.

Create Diverse and Safe Spaces for Connection

An engaged community is a diverse community. It’s essential to create safe spaces where members can connect, share ideas, and feel respected—even when there are disagreements. This includes channels and platforms where the user has clear rules of participation and where respect and non-discrimination are constantly promoted. Experiment with different platforms and methods of engagement, such as metaverses or new communication channels, to ensure that you’re reaching as broad and as representative of an audience as you can.

Avoid over-reliance on a single channel, as this can lead to catering to a vocal minority rather than the broader community. By diversifying your engagement strategies, you’ll create a more inclusive environment where all voices can be heard. At Push DAO, we have multiple avenues for communicating and interacting with our community, from traditional web2 channels like Telegram and Discord to web3 native platforms like Push Chat. Channels like Push Chat allow communities to really hone in on their core audience with the use of tools like gated group chats, which allow you to limit participants to those holding certain NFTs or a specified number of ERC20 tokens. This lets you have a space in which you can more closely communicate with and update your core community members.

Push Gated Group Chat
Push Gated Group Chat

Empower Community Initiatives

Your community is full of talented individuals eager to contribute and grow. Empower them by providing visibility and connections that can help them succeed both personally and professionally. Use your platform to elevate the next generation, showcasing their work and offering opportunities for networking and growth.

For example, at Push DAO, we highlight our grantees and their amazing work by sharing their projects on platforms such as X, allowing them to get more exposure, new users, and fans. We also reward community members retroactively for providing value to the DAO through their contributions, whether they are technical or non-technical. Additionally, we have a Business Development SubDAO that allows DAO contributors to pursue partnerships for Push DAO and Push Protocol and get rewarded for it.Think about how you can spotlight your community members, help them network, and support their growth. The more you invest in your community, the more they’ll invest in you.

Give Your Community the Tools to Amplify Your Story

Listening to your community is crucial. They will often tell you what they need to support your project better. While not every idea may be actionable, making your community feel heard is essential. Provide them with the right tools and resources to amplify your story, whether through content creation, social media, or other forms of advocacy.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Engagement isn’t just about work; it’s also about building a culture of enjoyment and connection. Bring your community from the metaverse to real life through events, meetups, and celebrations. The most impactful moments are those that get the community involved in fun and meaningful ways, creating memories that strengthen bonds.

Reinvent new ways to celebrate together, whether it’s through virtual events, collaborative projects, or in-person gatherings. A community that has fun together stays together.

Actions to Take

  1. Evaluate Your Mission: Ensure it’s strong enough to rally your community.

  2. Focus on Joy: Ask yourself, “What will bring my community the most joy?”

  3. Audit Your Engagement Strategy: Look for transparency, participation, shareability, and respect.

By following these principles, you can build a thriving, engaged Web3 community that is passionate about your mission, loyal through the ups and downs, and eager to co-create the future with you.

About Push DAO

Push DAO is the community that governs, drives, and shapes the future of Push Protocol through grants, community building, and ecosystem development to expand the open communication layer that allows any crypto wallet/frontend to tap into the Push network and get any communication across. The Push DAO Council addresses and executes the vision of the DAO, introducing multiple programs for contributors and builders to participate in paddling together toward greater progressive decentralization.

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