Otherside FAQs
April 30th, 2022


What is wallet pre-approval?

Wallet pre-approval grants the smart contract permission to access your ApeCoin when you’re ready to mint. Though you can approve your wallet when you mint, it’s available early to save you gas fees. Gas prices often increase around highly anticipated minting events.

When can I pre-approve my wallet?

You can pre-approve starting at 9am ET on 4/30/22 until the sale begins at 9pm ET. You can also approve your wallet once the mint begins.

How does wallet pre-approval work?

To pre-approve your wallet, connect the wallet you completed the KYC with here. You’ll be prompted with a transaction to approve your wallet. Once the transaction is complete, you’re all set.

What are the requirements for wallet approval?

You’ll need to approve the same wallet you completed the KYC with (which is the wallet you’ll mint with), and you’ll need ETH for gas.

Who needs to pre-approve?

Anyone who wants to mint and has completed the KYC. BAYC and MAYC holders do not need to approve their wallets to claim — only to mint.

Does pre-approval mean I’m guaranteed a mint?

No. Pre-approval does not guarantee you a mint. Pre-approval only means that you are able to participate in the mint, which starts at 9pm ET on 4/30/22.

I didn’t KYC. Can I still pre-approve my wallet and participate in the mint?

No. KYC approval is required to pre-approve your wallet and mint an Otherdeed NFT in the sale. If you missed the KYC, there may be more opportunities to submit for KYC in the future. If you are claiming with your BAYC or MAYC NFT, pre-approval and KYC are not necessary — you will be able to claim 1 land per NFT once the sale ends.

The pre-approval didn’t work.

You may be connecting the wrong wallet. Please make sure you are connecting with the wallet that was KYC-approved. If you did not successfully complete the KYC you will not be able to pre-approve.


Wen mint?

The mint will begin at 9pm ET on 4/30.

What is the mint price?

305 ApeCoin per Otherdeed.

How does the mint work?

Minting will be done in waves — the price per Otherdeed will stay the same, and the per-wallet limit will increase. At the start of the sale (wave 1), there will be a limit of 2 Otherdeeds minted per wallet. As soon as gas returns to reasonable levels and the amount of wallets minting decelerates, wave 2 will begin, during which KYCed wallets can mint up to an additional 4 Otherdeeds. Each increase in the per-wallet limit will be announced on the Otherside official channels: @OthersideMeta on Twitter, and Discord: discord.gg/the-otherside.

Here’s the full Mirror post on how we decided on the mint mechanics and details on how it works.

Examples of minting mechanics:

  • Wave 1: KYC’d wallets can mint up to 2 Otherdeed NFTs during this wave.
    • As soon as gas returns to reasonable levels, and the amount of users minting decelerates, wave 2 will begin
  • Wave 2: KYC’d wallets can mint up to an additional 4 NFTs during this wave.
    • It is expected that less minters will participate in this wave as some have been satisfied by only minting up to 2 in wave 1
    • As soon as gas returns to reasonable levels, and the amount of users minting decelerates, wave 3 will begin
  • And so forth with wave 3, 4, 5, etc. until all Otherdeeds are fully minted.

What are the requirements to mint?

There are four requirements to mint in the sale: ApeCoin for minting, ETH for gas, prior KYC approval through Blockpass, and wallet pre-approval - which can be done on otherside.xyz starting at 9am ET on 4/30.

Note: You can only mint with the wallet you KYCed and pre-approved with.

How many Otherdeeds are available to mint?

A total of 55,000 Otherdeeds will be available for purchase by KYCed wallets.

What is the claim limit for BAYC and MAYC holders?

The claim limit is 1 Otherdeed per MAYC or BAYC NFT (must be claimed within 21 days of the sale ending). The claim itself is free, but normal gas fees apply.

I KYCed but didn’t approve my wallet yet. Can I still mint?

It is highly recommended that you pre-approve your wallet before the mint. That said, if your KYC was approved, then yes - you can still approve your wallet during the mint. The approval will be a separate transaction right before the mint transaction that grants the smart contract permission to access your funds to mint.

I didn’t KYC. Can I still mint an Otherdeed?

No. KYC approval is required to mint an Otherdeed.

Is this mint the only chance to get an Otherdeed or participate in Otherside?

No. The Otherside contains 200,000 unique plots of land that can be claimed with Otherdeeds when Otherside launches. The first 100,000 Otherdeeds are available on April 30, 2022. The biomes featured in the next 100,000 Otherdeeds have yet to be revealed.

How do I know if something is an Otherside scam?

Some things to look out for:

  • Impersonators claiming to be involved in a project, tagging people in a post with a link
  • Impersonators DMing people links
  • Fake support accounts phishing for seed phrases
  • Fake airdrops that look legit, but direct people to a scam website
  • Impostor discord servers
  • Fake giveaways asking for personal info, including seed phrase

The official Twitter account is @OthersideMeta and the official discord is discord.gg/the-otherside. You’ll also see announcements cross-posted from @boredapeyc, @yugalabs, and @animocabrands, as well as on BAYC’s discord at discord.gg/bayc.

Don’t reply to or click on anything from any other accounts, tags, DMs, emails, skywriting, carrier pigeons, anyone. Founders, and mods will not tag nor DM you. And never enter your seed phrase.

Basically, if it seems too good to be true or it doesn’t come from official accounts, it’s a red flag. You can learn more about keeping your wallets and assets safe here.


How long do BAYC and MAYC holders have to claim Otherdeeds?

Once the sale ends, BAYC and MAYC holders have 21 days to claim.

How many Otherdeeds can BAYC and MAYC holders claim?

Holders can claim 1 Otherdeed per BAYC or MAYC NFT. If you are purchasing a BAYC or MAYC NFT on the secondary market, it’s possible for someone to claim immediately after you have checked, making the NFT no longer eligible.

I didn’t KYC. Can I still mint or claim?

To claim with your BAYC or MAYC NFT, KYC is not necessary. You only need to be KYC-approved to mint in the sale.

I didn’t pre-approve my wallet. Can I still mint or claim?

You only need to pre-approve your wallet to mint. To claim with your BAYC or MAYC NFT, wallet pre-approval is not necessary.


Wen reveal?

You’ll be able to see your Otherdeed and explore the Otherside map within 24 hours of the public mint.

Is there an Otherside Discord?

There is! Come say hello here. The Discord has precautions in place to limit the amount of people who join at once to defend against raids, so if you can’t get in right away, please try again later!

How about an Otherside Twitter?

Glad you asked. Tweets from the Otherside come from @OthersideMeta.

I have a question that’s not answered here!

We got you — head to Discord or send us an email at support@otherside.xyz.

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