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The proceeds from the sale go to the establishment and functioning of the crypto syndicate, which will contribute to a fairer distribution of wealth and increase the chances of earning for all participants, and try to ensure possible settlements in the case of certain efforts for an unhealthy monopoly, and establish ethical social construction - the Crypto Syndicate will try to introduce the necessary settlements and regulate distribution disorders of money  in the crypto space and unhealthy systemic  money extraction  to  enrich a small number of people. The owner of this NFT automatically becomes one of the 58 founders of the crypto syndicate and will simultaneously receive other certificates based on the real date of ownership with the specified and official date of the start of the operation of the Crypto Syndicate.


How MirbInvestments benefits investors with innovative investing, training and, at a certain point, special crypto trading
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Crypto Syndicate and negative monopoly

Cryoto Syndicate has the potential to identify a negative monopoly and make a balance.
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I hope that better and more correct working conditions for crypto participants will soon be established and that crypto participants will have a better chance and succeed in recognizing bad intentions.
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Web3 phenomenon

A unique cripto Web3 phenomenon. It was created by hand-d
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Crypto Syndicate, MirbInvestments and promising projects

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MirbInvestments has been following Aptos Blockchain, and one of the reasons is the fact that over 300 developers from all over the world participated in the development of the Aptos blockchain. I must emphasize that MirbInvestments has not yet invested in Aptos Blockchain and does not intend to in the near future.
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Why Giant Whale With $405,190,000 In Ethereum Starts withdrawing ETH From Binance or perhaps an even more important question why someone exaggerates and mints worthless meme coins in the once very serious and promising crypto space. Currently, a small number of crypto participants have had sustainable benefits and it is not nearly as good as in other sectors of human activity and there are also doubts that a lot of wealth has been extracted from crypto participants which is contrary to common sense . Crypto Syndicate has some visions regarding possible regulations, but that requires a large number of crypto participants because with our visions, there will be a greater recovery if there is a larger number of crypto participants in the crypto syndicate. I must emphasize that the Crypto Syndicate currently has only credible intentions and excellent visions, but it still does not even have a memorandum on paper, so it still does not exist and its establishment is uncertain.