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First Half Annotations

January 21

Picking up where Ansem left off

January 01
Ansem recently published his Q1 2022 article, which I highly recommend reading. For those relatively new to the space, Ansem was one of the most successful traders of 2021, correctly calling Solana, Avax, Jewel, and others. In addition to being a strong “technical” trader, Ansem has a really good grasp on the fundamental side of the space, so I highly recommend following him around.

Brave New World

December 30
The following content is heavily inspired by Sam Williams “Mechanism Design 101” and Tim Roughgarden’s Game Theory course on YouTube.

Footnotes to the Block

December 17
Larry-what’s-his-name and the rest of the Block boomers released a 150 page report earlier. Here are my unedited notes on it.

Redacted Cartel and the Curve Wars

December 16
My favorite imagery from the rekt news videos depicts flows of Capital between the outer oceans of liquidity in traditional financial markets, BTC, and Ethereum.

Hello world

November 17
today is 11/16/2021. I’m trying out I’m trying out I’m trying out write race. I wish I could think of something interesting to say, like a writer type would. Oh well. It was sunny today, but very cold. Stereotypically bad day really. I went to a couple university classes, but skipped one since I was feeling sick. I could barely pay attention at all during my last period, and time went by really quick. I might play chess later.