Look over your shoulder 
At the rugged terrain 
Lessons, memories and stories 
Are all that remain 
There is no going back now 
Nothing to change 
So carry the knowing 
It was never in vain 
Let your heartbeat slow down 
And soften your breath 
At the top of this mountain 
Let yourself rest 
As you watch the sun set 
On a journey so hard 
Take note of the strength 
That carried you this far 
Find hope in the knowing 
A path lies ahead 
That isn’t as rugged 
But lit up, instead 
And there in your pocket 
Is the wisdom you found 
On a long, tiring journey 
That knocked you around 
And alongside that wisdom 
Is a note from your friend - 
“You’ve got this, I love you, 
I’m with you, till the end.”