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Levitating cats

August 04
Reflections on the Britta Marakatt-Labba show Moving the Needle
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Timeframe X01

January 04
Nic Hamilton’s strange yet familiar objects in states of decay x 1800s landscape painting, likewise interpreting a strange new familiarity.
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a fantasy p5.js gen art curriculum for beginners

December 12
a fantasy 7-week curriculum for learning p5.js basics and gen art context and questions
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Lost Home Worlds

June 13
Image associations revealed by the subconscious can take us by surprise, even though we made them. The starting image is a freshly-minted collection of vibrant, moody, illuminated, gently interactive, fun, poignant, generative 3D environments by Sam Hains. They show shadowy space, an empty room, not exactly a home, squares of nuclear sky or surveillance, with the focus on an illuminated little castle aggregate in a bell jar.

Record of a twice-weekly cocoon

May 11
In November 2022, computer art studio Mathcastles announced an experimental course for artists and coders. Six months later, final projects were completed, and group art crits concluded. What happened in between was transformative. Below is a personal record. Other records exist in 100s of sketches, in the projects minted immutably as NFTs, and, more mutably, in the projects germinating, in the strengthened chats and networks, in the changed texture of ideas about technology and art. For an experience which was ephemeral by design (artist and facilitator 113 in the first class: if anyone records these lessons I will end it immediately), there are a lot of records, a lot of threads woven and marks made.
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Computer art self help guide

January 02
Some people will literally learn p5.js rather than go to therapy. Four creative coding psychology hacks they don’t want you to know about.
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4 Seasons

November 18
I made a JPG.SPACE 2022 WRAPPED gallery. For fun, to flex my favourite jpgs, and to take it seriously and write about seasons.
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The labyrinth

October 23
The labyrinth model is done in museum theory, but it offers a couple of useful ways of thinking about the digital gallery that release it from static folio or uncanny physical derivative, and that help link some art-archive-ownership-community vectors:
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Structure and fluid

March 22
1 Art?