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Lewis.Web 3.0

Lewis.Web 3.0

#Crypto #Web 3.0 #Polkadot #ETH #BTC
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Ride With Mt's - The Last Chance in the Crypto Market Collapse

Mint Mt's 丨 Mt’s Twitter 丨 Mt's Website 丨Mt's Discord
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Share To Earn - Mt's NFT's 10x earnings model

Mint Mt's 丨 Mt’s Twitter 丨 Mt's Website 丨Mt's Discord
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The release of Terra 2.0 is just around the corner. Will you receive the airdrop?

The testnet is currently live for LUNA 2.0, and the mainnet will be activated on May 28. When the mainnet goes live, the airdrop will begin. According to a Terraform Labs verified Medium post, you will be eligible for the airdrop if:
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Mt's is your NFT

Mint Mt's 丨 Mt’s Twitter 丨 Mt's Website 丨Mt's Discord
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NFT is a Manifesto Of Freedom

2021 Crypto Punk Christie's auction single $9 million, as of now BAYC floor price 100eth, where does the value come from? This is a common question in the market, what exactly makes a simple image worth more than you know?
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Koda is not the only test of Otherdeed's value

A great creative team put us through a Gas battle 3 days ago and my team and I were awarded 7 Otherdeeds, two of which had Koda. thankfully did not sell our Otherdeeds at the blind box stage, while the drama unfolded here.
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Web3Graph is the most anticipated underlying protocol for Web3

After 20 years of history from Web1 to Web3, you and I are witnessing a new history - Web3 - what are you seeing and what are you expecting from Web3? Can you really understand Web3? I've mentioned Web3 twice in the past, and it's important to note that you can understand the shape of Web3, you can understand the architecture of Web3, but the inseparable part of any development in any field is the infrastructure, just like when you're building a building, the foundation is the first thing to complete the ultimate goal, and the strength of the foundation determines whether the building will stand for a hundred years. Web3 is a very large project, and the Web3Graph I am sharing today is the most important underlying protocol for building Web3.
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What’s new about Web3Graph in a fledgling web 3.0 world

From its birth to today, web 3 has attracted a large number of loyalists while at the same time being rebutted as the “hyperfinancialization” of human existence. Nevertheless, web 3 still stands out as the next-generation hopeful, becoming real after witnessing the monopolistic power of internet giants and centralized governmental authority. At the same time, building on the rationale of data decentralization and the technological base of blockchain, web 3 is bringing the ethos of web 1, which advocates the democracy and autonomy of bloggers and page creators.
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🐶$SHIB is more than a meme

Most of the answers are from the Outrageous Fortune saga or because of Musk's tweets.