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The Idea Behind ZKPs

September 03
János Bolyai published his work on non-Euclidean geometries in 1932, three years after discovering them. His father Farkas Bolyai received an interesting letter soon after. Gauss wrote to Bolyai: "To praise it (János's work) would amount to praising myself. For the entire content of the work... coincides almost exactly with my own meditations which have occupied my mind for the past thirty or thirty-five years." His friendship with Bolyai was strained as a result of this unsubstantiated accusation of plagiarism on Gauss' part. Whatever the case might be, Bolyai never published any work in the field thereafter.

BLS Signature Aggregation: Under the Hood

July 08
This is the second part of a series of articles explaining how cryptography in Ethereum works. The article assumes prior knowledge about Elliptic Curve Cryptography covered in the previous article. We cover the absolute basics of BLS signatures and how their aggregation works.

Public Key Cryptography: Under the Hood

June 29
This is the first part of a series of articles explaining how cryptography in Ethereum works. The article does not assume any prior knowledge about cryptography and its mathematical foundations; it covers the absolute basics and delves into the details of how asymmetric encryption works.