Life is inherently uncertain. So too are markets. On any given day, prices may go up, or they may go down -- and itâs impossibly hard to know which in advance. Trading is thus ultimately an art of dealing with uncertainty; of making decisions amidst the face of uncertainty, of reckoning with the unknown. To anyone whoâs ever paid it any mind, this should be self-evident. The question, then, is what to do about it? Given that noone can ever truly Know, with anything like certainty, what the market will do -- especially over the short-term -- how is one to find the conviction necessary to make a bet, one way or the other? Well, the first step is simply appreciating this intrinsic uncertainty of markets and the finite, fallible nature of the human mind. No matter how smart you consider yourself, itâs essential to appreciate that youâre always liable to error and that anything can (and often does) happen. As such, you never want to think in binary certitudes. Instead, adopt a probabilistic mindset, assigning some level of (albeit mostly arbitrary) probability to anyone of your trades / investments / bets, and size them accordingly. For example, if thereâs even a 10% chance you could lose it all on a given trade, donât bet the farm. Further, always prepare for the 10% outcome so that, should it transpire, you will live to fight another day. While itâs a subtle shift in thought, this probabilistic approach to making bets is a way of keeping yourself honest (and hopefully, away from financial ruin).