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Small islands & virtual assets researcher and entrepreneur, who cares about a decentralised web.
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ROM's Closed Beta Launch

July 19
ROM’s beta launch was a success. It taught us valuable lessons both organisational and for development. User experience matters. We are getting it right.
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Rite of Moloch - (no) HR for DAOs

March 02
Introducing Rite of Moloch, a dApp that solves contributor onboarding and secures delivery for DAOs through bonding. Use RoM today to optimise your DAO.
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An apprentice' story: Web3 is where becoming and being converge.

September 18
A guide to join a Web3 guild, which helps you navigate the space to become a member to a DAO. Learn how you can research, discover and engage on Discord.
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The luring Decentralised Web

August 23
Joining a Discord of a Web3 community can be one of the loneliest experiences. Even when you did your own research, came up with a great idea for engaging with their members, contributed a piece of software or writing, chances are that you are sending it into a void of feedbackless ignorance. Telling people outside of Web3 about it, you get the feeling that you should have expected it, when you applied to a random group of pseudonymous people on the internet. Some of you may have had rewarding experiences when joining a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), however, I know for a fact that I am not alone.