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Use ChatGPT to Chat & Query with Your Own Files

May 05
While people are generally interested in chatting with ChatGPT, as a developer I have been thinking of how to use OpenAI APIs for building business applications. Large Language Models (LLMs) have a data freshness problem. For example, as ChatGPT's knowledge cutoff date is September 2021, it won’t be able to answer questions which require the latest information such as the latest offers / promotions. Also, LLMs don’t have access to proprietary / confidential information. For example, you may have internal company documents you’d like to interact with via an LLM.

Web3 POC - Decentralized Antique Auction

June 12
After I finished my first dApp "Decentralized Bookstore", I have been searching for a more web3 native use case. Inspired by this news article, I decided to develop a POC dApp to learn and explore:

Tech deep-dive on web3 dApp development

May 22
During the last couple of months, I have been developing a sample web3 dApp project to learn: