hbarcalcchecksum = (accoundid, ledgerid)->
checksum = ""
# 0 = mainnet
# 1 = stable testnet
# 2 = previewnet
# ledgerid = 1
a = "0.0." + accoundid.toString()
d = a.split("").map (i)-> if i == "." then 10 else Number i
h = [ledgerid, 0,0,0,0,0,0]
p3 = 26 * 26 * 26
p5 = 26 * 26 * 26 * 26 * 26
sd0 = d.filter((i,idx)-> (idx % 2) == 0).reduce((a,b)-> a+b) %11
sd1 = d.filter((i,idx)-> (idx % 2) == 1).reduce((a,b)-> a+b) %11
sd = d.reduce ((acc, curr) -> (acc * 31 + curr) % p3), 0
sh = h.reduce ((acc, curr) -> (acc * 31 + curr) % p5), 0
c = ((((d.length % 5) * 11 + sd0) * 11 + sd1) * p3 + sd + sh) % p5
cp = (c * 1000003) % p5
while cp > 0
checksum = String.fromCharCode((cp % 26) + 97) + checksum
cp = Math.floor(cp / 26)
# Ensure checksum is 5 characters long
checksum = 'a'.repeat(5 - checksum.length) + checksum
In this way, the checksum can be calculated from the hbar account ID. The checksum is essential to determine shard or realm, test or production environment. It will be a requirement in the future.