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Rocco Russo

Rocco Russo

I am a front-end engineer and tech lead with over 10 years of experience in delivering web solutions for various industries and domains.
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Remix vs Next.js: which framework to choose for your next web project?

Rocco Russo
October 26
Ciao a tutti!
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Bun: The Next Big Thing in JavaScript - A Delicious Journey!

Rocco Russo
September 14
Ciao, fellow developers! ๐Ÿ•
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React-Query in Next.js for JWT Authentication: Because We All Need More Authentication Fluff

Rocco Russo
September 06
Ciao, fellow developers. Today, we're going to explore the captivating world of React-Query in Next.js for JWT authentication. Grab your code spaghetti, and let's saunter through the Italian-style journey of web authentication because we can never have enough of that! ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป
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The Power of TypeScript in Front-End Development: A Guide for Beginners - An Italian's Take

Rocco Russo
September 04
Ah, TypeScript, the latest buzzword in front-end development! If you're an eager beginner who's heard that TypeScript is all the rage, never fear! I'm here, a seasoned front-end engineer with two decades of experience and an Italian flair, to guide you through this mystical realm. Brace yourselves, ragazzi, as we embark on a journey into the bewildering world of strongly typed JavaScript!

Recoil vs Jotai vs Redux - Who's the Real State Management Champ?

Hey there, tech enthusiasts and fellow developers! Today, we're diving into the thrilling world of state management, where the mighty Recoil, the crafty Jotai, and the ever-reliable Redux duke it out in a no-holds-barred battle. As a seasoned engineer with 20 years of experience, I've seen my fair share of state management libraries, and boy, have these three been creating some waves in the community!
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Why Asking Job Candidates to Do Test Assignments at Home is a Bad Practice

Rocco Russo
February 16
If you're a job seeker in the tech industry, chances are you've encountered this practice at least once. Test assignments are often used by companies to evaluate the technical skills and problem-solving abilities of job candidates. However, as many candidates can attest, test assignments can also be a source of frustration, stress, and even exploitation.
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Vue.js vs. React.js: Choosing the Right Front-End Framework for Your Project

Rocco Russo
February 08
When it comes to building dynamic user interfaces, choosing the right front-end framework is critical. Two popular choices among developers are Vue.js and React.js. Both are powerful and flexible frameworks, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we'll compare Vue.js and React.js to help you make an informed decision about which one is right for your project.

Exploring the Benefits of Using Next.js and WindiCSS in Your Web Projects

Rocco Russo
February 08
In recent years, Tailwind CSS has emerged as a popular CSS framework for web development. However, as the web development landscape continues to evolve, it's important to consider alternative options that offer similar functionality with a different approach. This blog post will take a closer look at Next.js and Windi CSS and how they can be used as an alternative to Tailwind CSS in your web projects.

My first blog post

Rocco Russo
December 27
Hi readers, this is my first post on Mirror, and is going to be my official blog on the web3.