AlΞx Tsu

AlΞx Tsu

PM at Google working on Android; Ex-crypto skeptic now writing and learning about web3
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Good Governance Will End NFT Rugpulls, Not Doxxing

AlΞx Tsu
May 31
This past year, stories like Zagabond's and Sfu's show that anonymous questionable pasts. I propose incentives can prevent NFT rugpulls
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The 4 Key Web3 Trends at EthDenver

AlΞx Tsu
March 04
It's been over a week since I've come home from EthDenver. I'm inspired by the builders advancing this space, and I'd love to share what I've learned. After attending the EthDenver talks and chatting with builders in between sessions or over meals, I'd break down the buzz into four main web3 trends: