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The Ajna Protocol Blog

The Ajna Protocol Blog

Community-managed blog related to all things Ajna.Finance
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Q1-Q2 State of Ajna

A report detailing Ajna's performance post-launch, focusing on identified problems, proposed solutions, implemented strategies, and observed results.
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How to Deploy Correctly

Deploying Ajna on EVM chains.
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L2 Contract Address Changes

An issue was found with bwAJNA functionality on the L2 deployments. A fix was made and protocol instances were redeployed. No user funds were at risk as a result of this issue. Integrators should note the new deployment addresses that can be found below:
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Ajna Protocol Completes Audits and Relaunches on Mainnet and L2s

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Notice | Ajna Labs Cessation of Operations

Commencing with its full launch on January 11, 2024, the Ajna protocol will be fully operational as a decentralized, permissionless lending, borrowing, and trading system.  Consequently, Ajna Labs LLC (“Ajna Labs”) will no longer be involved in the operations of, or any software development, updates, or other support for, the Ajna protocol or Ajna tokens. Ajna Labs has commenced cessation of its operations and its only activities going forward will be those required for an orderly termination of its prior business and agreements.  For some period after the Ajna protocol’s full launch, users of the Ajna protocol will continue to be able to gather and share information through this web site, X (formerly Twitter), Discord, GitHub, and other forums, which will be maintained for the relevant periods by third-parties.  Certain historical material may refer to the role of Ajna Labs and its teams in the conceptualization and development of the Ajna protocol and/or Ajna tokens; while such material will remain available, it should be read in the context of this notice.
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Information about the AJNA Token

Disclaimer: The content of this communication is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any information contained herein as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. You should not rely on the information contained herein as a basis for making any business, legal or other decisions. Ajna Labs LLC and its members, officers, directors, owners, employees, agents, representatives, suppliers and service providers cannot be held liable for any of the information contained in this communication. Nothing contained herein constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by Ajna Labs LLC or any third-party service provider to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments in any jurisdiction.
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Ajna Vulnerability Post Mortem

Originally published on October 13th 2023
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