
the sky

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the sky
March 25
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the sky
March 25
一、重点交互(空投)项目 翻看过去空投的历史,大多数情况下,值钱的空投依次是:DEFI、公链、社交/身份、DAO、NFT和Gamefi。


the sky
July 31
Some helpful information to keep your funds safe
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the sky
July 17
have 21 subfamilies and 283 genera (the mainstream classification system is 16 subfamilies. Compared with the system of 21 subfamilies, the new system divides several subfamilies from ponerine). Generally, the body is small, with black, brown, yellow, red, etc. the body wall is elastic, smooth or hairy. The mouth is chewy, and the upper jaw is developed. The antennae are knee shaped, with long stalk segments, 2-3 enlarged ends, and the whole antennae are divided into 4-13 segments. The abdomen is knot shaped. It has wings or no wings. The distance of the forefoot is large, comb shaped, and it is a horn cleaner (for cleaning tentacles).


the sky
June 12
Ants are swarms of insects that live in groups, each with their own home. Most ants' homes are below the ground, where they do not easily find abundant food. When the weather is warm, we often see groups of ants busy crawling on the ground. If you look closely, or if you sprinkle some bread crumbs in front of it, you will see that when they arrive at the food location, they start to carry the delicious food you have prepared for them. If one ant cannot move, two, three, or more ants will come up together and carry it together. When they get their food, they crawl home in an orderly manner along the way they came, hauling the food back to storage for later meals.
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the sky
May 11
Chrysanthemum: In plant taxonomy, it is a perennial perennial herb of the family Asteraceae and Chrysanthemum. According to the cultivation form, it is divided into multi-headed chrysanthemum, single-flowered chrysanthemum, dahlia chrysanthemum, cliff chrysanthemum, art chrysanthemum, desk chrysanthemum and other cultivation types; Cultivation types such as holding and flying afternoon holding. Chrysanthemums in different types are named after various varieties. Chrysanthemum is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, one of the Four Gentlemen of Flowers (Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum), and one of the four largest cut flowers in the world (Chrysanthemum, Rose, Carnation, Gladiolus), and its output ranks first. Because chrysanthemums have the character of being cold and proud of snow, Tao Yuanming's famous saying "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge, leisurely sees Nanshan". Chinese people have the custom of appreciating chrysanthemum and drinking chrysanthemum wine on Double Ninth Festival. Tang Meng Haoran's "Guo Ren Zhuang": "When the Double Ninth Day comes, chrysanthemums will come again." In ancient myths and legends, chrysanthemums are also endowed with auspicious and longevity meanings.
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the sky
May 04
Ant is a kind of insect, alias ant, Xuanju, Kun Mayfly, Mayfly, belongs to Arthropoda, Insecta, Hymenoptera, Formicidae. There are many species of ants. There are more than 11,700 known species in the world, including 21 subfamilies and 283 genera. There are more than 600 species of ants that have been identified in China.
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the sky
May 04
The external form of an ant is divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen, and has six legs. Ant eggs about 0.5 mm long, irregular oval, milky white, larval worm-like translucent. The worker ants are small in size, about 2.8 mm in length, and have a brownish-yellow body. It is easy to find individual ants if they look closely. Both male and female ants are larger. The abdomen is fat, the head and chest are brown, the front half of the abdomen is brown, and the rear half is brown. Male ants are about 5.5 mm long. Female ants are about 6.2 mm long. Common ants in the indoor environment include small yellow house ants and so on.


the sky
April 28
Dragonflies are invertebrates, Insecta, Odonata and paraptera. The base of the rear wing is slightly larger than that of the front wing, and the wing veins are also slightly different. At rest, the four wings spread out and lay flat on both sides. The larvae are short and thick, with rectal gills and tailless gills. There are 11 families, including 3 families, including dragonflies, macrodragonflies and dragonflies. Dragonflies and dragonflies are the most common and widely distributed throughout China.