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Merge Space

Merge Space

Creating a safe space for ReFi and Policy through dialogue. Season 1 coming soon.
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Intro: Merging Two Worlds

Living in 2024, many of us are coming to terms with the fact that we are living through the meta crisis. We can see the signs all around us: increasing political instability, economic turmoil, ecological disasters, poverty, and climate change. This leaves many with a feeling of paralysis yet simultaneously emboldens the dreamers, builders, and creators to tackle these challenges head-on. The advent of digital ledger technology created a new era of the internet that brought a new layer of ownership, automation, and sovereignty to a world that traditional actors very much drove. The rise of web3 could not come at a more necessary time as we are seeing how the existing frameworks and institutions are failing to deliver on the promise of a better world. From the Sustainable Development Goals, Nationally Determined Contributions, and voluntary carbon markets, we see a global institutional push for tackling the climate crisis and biodiversity collapse the world is facing. Yet, the current projections for global rise in temperature paint a very dim picture. Current institutions and frameworks are failing miserably.