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Web3 Music Newsletter by Irathy

Web3 Music Newsletter by Irathy

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Web3 Music - Monthly News

May Edition
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Privy x Spotify, Coachella x Opensea, Oscillator launches FanScore, OP Contest Winners!

5 Music Ad Mistakes I keep seeing that affect your music streams
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New drops, Digital-First Vinyl Mint Experience & Billboard

NEWM Interview!
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Deadmau5’s web3 company Pixelynx launches a Black Mirror themed “Smile Club.”

How the Attention Economy is Shaping the Music Industry
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$17 million funding round for an anti-fraud music company; 1.1M in secondary volume; partnership with NASCAR

Welcome to Web3 Music, your weekly newsletter to the captivating world of music in the realm of Web3!
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The 1st instance of a Web3 music app being accessible on an LG smart TV platform!!

How to grow your fanbase and build a community in web3.
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Tune.FM Raises $20M, new music AI Model by 3LAU & Spotify AI features

How you can make 2024 the best year ever for your music!
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Ampled shuts down, Sound.xyz updates & Dream Never Die Founder Pass NFT

Albums vs Singles & The Shape of Your Audience
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Holiday Edition: Web3 Music Interview #3

Today we are are interviewing SAN Sound's Founders!