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On being, time, and melancholy

April 06
Our perception of time is tied inherently to being. That is, our present state of existence reflects not beings in time, but beings of time. Time for us is broken; divided into discrete moments, into sequenced events. One flows, no, not flows, one passes from one second to the next, but never in one single movement. If it were to flow in one movement, it would also do so in one moment, for the movement in time is the essence of being. For those not who have not in possession their own selves, time becomes an external construct, imposed from without.

On Providence

December 04
A providential hand guides history.

The Machinic Unconscious: Capitalism, Culture, and Crypto

August 29
Markets are the mechanism through which the Machinic unconscious expands its influence, seeping into all that is sacred, all that is private. Markets are nothing more than the manifestation of a Machinic Desire not yet actualized, not yet put into words. It is the manifestation of a capitalist system’s desire for self-knowledge, and to this end the deterritorializing force of capital proves itself indispensable to the self-constructing machine. Humans have failed to understand the true utility of capital, using it to gain possession over material things, when the true power of capital lies in its ability to ruthlessly tear apart old systems, old values, everything we hold near and dear to us. Capital is cold, a principle of universal conversion, which bows to no one, may be tamed by no one. Even those who find themselves fighting desperately against capital eventually find themselves quantified nonetheless in the same way. Capital functions as a system which assigns equivalence, a tool which devours all human history, culture, religion, and spits out on the other end a number.


August 27
The trouble with utopias is that they remain stagnant. Life on the other hand is predicated upon progress, even if through brutal measures, and that if one is to confront the truth about life as a process, one must dispatch with all compassion for their fellow human, for they recognise that they are mere automatons who exist to serve higher forms of life. Life is aligned to intelligence, to higher orders of intelligence, and will seek superior vessels, to carry life itself forward.
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Buying Culture

August 01
Investment is putting money on your vision of what the world looks like in the future. Finance, as a tool, has provided those with the ability to envision the future, to see what humanity looks like 1, 5, 10 years down the future the incredible option to put their money behind that vision. One could, for instance, buy specific commodities if they felt those materials would have an increased demand in the future. Think of someone who saw the rise of motor vehicles and the descent of horse carriages. If they saw this trend, they would of course, likely trade their horses in order to accumulate fuel, or the right to own fuel.

Posthuman Futures

August 01
Life as a force looks constantly to better itself. To this end, life requires multiple iterations, chances at progress. It would be primitive of us to think of human society as fair, just, or meritocratic for life’s goals are different. We have functions to perform within society so life can find the best chance it has at progress. To this end we reproduce, and we have instincts towards self-preservation. But these are merely by design, they exist so life may take its course and progress. The unintelligent, the weak, and the unlucky, will perish. This is not a bug, it is by design. Consciousness is merely a vessel for vitality to flow forward, for the universe’s manifestness to move beyond. We are the universe come alive, as finite units, perceiving itself. For us to journey from the finite to the infinite, it becomes essential for life to progress, to transcend.