🧍‍♀️Take a Stand

A look into a spot of crowd psychology

A Reason for Success

The flags right?

No. Flags alone are useless. The key to Mundo Lingo’s success is understanding what makes people tick better than they even know themselves. Using this understanding, we make spaces in which people are subtly encouraged to bump into each other, make eye contact and say ‘hi’. They don’t need to know ‘why’ they have a great time and meet lots of people, they just should.. To bump into each other, they need to stand. To feel okay with eye contact and saying ‘hi’, we give them flags. The rest, is up to them.

The Ballroom Effect

When standing, social groups form easily and break apart again into new social groups. The chances of meeting people you vibe with is greatly increased by your mobility and not being stuck at a table facing the same 3 people all night. You can work your way towards someone of interest and if someone want’s to work their way towards you, it’s possible because of the constant disolving and formation of new groups.

Did you know people even ‘think’ better while standing?

The argument for sitting

Why not let them sit? They’re tired! This is like asking why not put 3 wheels on a bike. It’s easier to learn to ride a 3-wheel bike, why bother learning on 2 wheels? As most of us know, difficult things are sometimes worth it.

Forgotten Etiquette
Did you know it’s rude to talk to someone who is standing while you sit down? Standing signals respect to those you talk to, especially during salutations. A standing/sitting conversation is awkward, let’s help our participants avoid that experience.


👎 Brute Force

Of course, we don’t yell at people to stand up, especially once they’re sitting. So let’s discuss some other ideas.

👍 Use a meeting point

Designating a meeting point in large wide open space with little or no seating helps people associate standing with socialising. You need a mini-‘landmark’ for this, like a next to a plant pot, fountain, or below a lighting fixture.

When new participants arrive let them know during the speech where the meeting point is.

👍👍👍 Make standing easy and sitting difficult

Don’t make them stand, make standing easy

  • Arrange furniture like a disco (room to dance)

  • Push large tables towards walls

  • If you have elbow-high-tables, put in the middle to rest drinks

  • Remove as any chairs as possible

Do this with the cooperation of the bar staff, they should physically help you to move the furniture.

Don’t give up

Creating a space where participants feel encouraged to stand is not easy, but we must do it. The bar may not understand, your participants may not understand, the chairs may be heavy but regardless of these, it’s your responsibility to solve it.

That’s why in all Mundo Lingos worldwide you see that participants are 90% standing.

Get Bar stools out

Stools block the bar. The bar sells less drinks and participants are more sober, a tradegy for all involved. Look at the thirsty people 👇

Green = happy peopleRed = thirsty people
Green = happy peopleRed = thirsty people

Now what?

Next up, it’s time for Problem Resolution

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👈 Events Operations Manual

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