First Date

The first time you go into a bar to propose… well, it’s like that. It can be a nerve-racking, stumbling conversation that goes in all directions and even occasional power-play. By the end of this guide you will be a smooth-talking host venue seducer… here goes!

🤩 Bingo!

You found the 5+ best bars in your city. Now you must meet the Owners or Managers. Approach all of them at the same time, let them know you are “evaluating” their venue and guage their interest if they were to be selected. As you arrange more formal meetings, try to schedule the least appealing venue first and use it as practice.

How To Get a Date (AKA Appointment)

Walk straight in and ask to speak to the Manager about a great event you want to launch in their bar. You might catch them in a defensive and reluctant mood, and will be judged on your pitch as a ‘salesperson’.

  1. Go for a drink with your friend as a customer who just happens to be passing by

  2. Strike up a conversation with the staff, like “you guys busy in here on Thursdays?” or “what’s the capacity?”. Generally ask as though curious until the staff inevitably ask you “why, are you an event organiser?”

  3. They will probably call the manager, who will come over to you already in a mindset to try to convince you to use their venue.

🖌 Official Contact - 2nd best after being a stalker

Send a casual message through their FB page or write an email following the format shown on the next page.

“Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Juan, I’m the London manager for Mundo Lingo, an International network of language social events held in bars. We’re interested in talking with you about the possibility of organising our events in your bar on a weekly basis on Tuesday evenings. Could we arrange for a meeting sometime this week? It would take about 15 minutes of your time.

Best Regards,

Juan, Manager Mundo Lingo London”

Ask for an appointment

Whichever of the above 3 you use, make sure you get that appointment. You should ensure that the appointment is at a quiet time and with the Venue Manager and not just a shift Manager or other staff.

If Management show a lack of interest you could ask for a general manager or owner (many times this really works). It’s important however to know when to let it go, it’s no big deal.

💄 The Appointment

Okay, wear a nice shirt, powder your nose, you’re gonna do fine. Managers are more scared of you than you are of them, you just have to make them feel comfortable and let them feel that you are in control of your product and that they are free to take it or leave it with zero pressure.

Introduce yourself

Smile. Tell them who you are, where you’re from, how you found out about Mundo Lingo and why you want to set it up in their bar. Complement them on their venue and tell them why you like it, they’ll appreciate it.

Be firm

Don’t be a softy and make sure that whatever they ask you, you have the answers ready. You may be dealing with this person on a regular basis from now on and you don’t want to leave the impression you don’t know what you’re talking about. The percentage, the Happy Hour and any other factors are part of the package that they can reject or accept. No 10%’s or 1 event trials, it’s take it or leave it. Don’t hesitate to decline and close negotiations not forgetting of course to thank them for their time. There are plenty of fish in the sea and if it’s meant to be it will happen naturally.


Be Zen, chill, wait for them to run out of things to say before talking. Make them feel listened to.

Music and Lighting

We must be clear with the owners that by hosting ML, they permit your unrestricted right to adjust music and lighting according to ML guidelines.


Mundo Lingo charges 20% of the consumption registered by our participants. Registration of drinks can be done in many ways; some bars are not willing to give you 20% of the entire night’s revenue and will instead designate a table to for ML participants’ consumptions, that’s fine. However it’s done, a printed record from their till system must be given to you on the same night, no exceptions.

Payment is accepted in cash on the night or within 3 days by bank transfer.


Get used to it. City Managers have been rejected and laughed at by many venue managers, sometimes because it doesn’t work for them but usually because not everyone is progressive minded in business. Venue Managers on a salary are much more square and stubborn than their boss. Don’t be disheartened, keep your chin up and keep this in mind: many CMs before you have been rejected only to be contacted again by the same venue after the events had success elsewhere in the city. Leave the Venue Guide and write your name and contact number on it. If you only spoke with a manager consider going above them by directly contacting the owner.

Talking Points

A rough guide for your conversation.

Small talk: About the manager and their venue. Ask questions about their story, where they’re from and how they ended up with this venue. What plans do they have for their future? Small talk: Self-introduction. Now tell them your story, where you’re from and how you ended up creating ML events. What are your plans for the future? ML Introduction What is ML? Explain the format, our target public, how we reach 200 weekly. Finances 20% Non-negotiable. Talk about ways that ML consumption can be registered. Music/Lighting What music do they have? What ways can we adjust the lighting. Be clear that we need unhindered access to adjust both lighting and music. Commitment We need total commitment, no cherry picking, no cancellations for any reason. Receipts Evidence of takings must be printed Start Time 7pm, 8pm or 9pm is great. No halves / quarter pasts. Questions and thoughts Get their feedback.


If you didn’t already give them the Venue Guide, do it now. Close the meeting with a re-cap on what was discussed. Shake their hand, show your appreciation and let them know that you’ll e-mail them or call them to let them know your decision.

If you are absolutely sure this is the perfect venue and the manager has agreed to all conditions then you can verbally confirm a launch date. However we only announce the event after the Event Service Contract is signed. See EOM Go, Go, Go!


Launch must be minimum 2 weeks away. If you arrange a launch within 2 weeks of your meeting you’ll be asked to postpone.

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