🚀 Go,go,go!

Venue chosen, hands are shaken, prepare to launch.

⏱ Count Down

3 weeks minimum lead time from Venue Confirmation.Less than this puts yourself and others under unnessary pressure.

Minimum times needed at each stage
Minimum times needed at each stage

📜 ESC Signed

Events Service Contract (ESC)

Available in the Venue Investigation Bureau here (Telegram), and to be signed by both parties.

Venue Guide

Available here. You left a copy before, but this time ask the Venue Manager to sign it to show they have read it.

📸 Photographers

Confirm photographers and ensure:

  1. They sign the Photographers Contract

  2. Agree to the Photography Guide

  3. Register on MundoLingo.org and set up as ‘Photographer’ in your city page

No photographer, no launch

If your photographer pulls out, the launch is postponed. This is not flexible.

2 X 📸 on launch day

Don’t risk your photographer pulling out or getting bad quality shots. Enlist 2 photographers for the first event. Beautiful photos are crucial for marketing.

Get Fresh Talent

Don’t cut corners by using photographers from your other events, bring in fresh talent.

🦸‍♀️ Flaggers

Call the A-Team. Confirm launch date with your fully trained Flaggers

📐 Designs · T-3 weeks

Make your Design Requests. Order a City Starter Pack. You must confirm Photographers and Flaggers before this (!)


Go to the print shop. Print at least 50 posters and around 2000 cards.


Read EOM ‘Facebook’ [Link Needed]. Set up your social media with the provided graphics

🧙‍♂️ Associates 🧙‍♀️ · T-2 weeks

If all of the above has been done, then it's time to officially announce our launch to Associates.

Press Release: The greatest community social your city will ever know is about to launch, let's tell everyone about it! Spend some time writing a nice email that tells the story while keeping it 'Short and Snappy'. Send to all contacts.

Social Media

Social Media Launch is 10 days (or less) before event launch. You need:

  • Green Light from the Academy Lead

  • ESC Contract

  • All of the above are confirmed

Launch before this may result in a Strike


Create your announcement in the Embassy. This will be the model for your announcement on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. If you want to embed links, use Telegram Desktop

This was a "reopening" after covid
This was a "reopening" after covid
  1. Give your Embassy team a few hours to check it.

  2. Ask your Spokesperson to send it to the News Room for approval. (If you don’t have a Spokesperson, ask The Operator)

  3. Once announced on the Mundo Lingo Telegram Channel, it can be announced elsewhere.


Create your event on your city’s page. If you don’t know how, ask in the Academy.

Facebook City Group

We set up a FB city group for you. Invite everyone you know in your city into that group. Ask friends, assistants and even the photographer to invite people to the group.

Facebook Event

We sent you an Event Header you can use to create your launch event on the Mundo Lingo fan page. See EOM Guide ˋFacebookˋ.[Link Needed]

Visit Associates

You already emailed all your associates. Now time to get out there and visit them in person! Bring those posters and cards.

Pre-Launch Venue Meeting

Ask the Venue Manager to meet you a few days before the event. Ask them to ensure that an hour before the event starts the following is in place:

  • Chairs removed allowing only as much as 20 people to sit down

  • Tables are pushed up against the walls

  • Fridges filled with chilled stock, fruits cut, ice ready

  • Heating/AC, Music and Lighting set up.

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