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Nirvana Research

Nirvana Research

Cult of INTP researchoooors | derivatives arbitrage gives us bread money | we spend it on irresponsible altcoining
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Comparing the ZK Rollups [Archive]

Nirvana Research
November 17
This report analyzes the current discourse surrounding ZK rollups in the L2 scaling space. It examines how ZK technology is positioned as a contender in the L2 scaling competition. Furthermore, the report compares and contrasts the offerings of various ZK rollup projects, which is then used to create a framework to determine which ecosystems have the greatest likelihood of success.
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Order-books vs AMMs [Archive]

Nirvana Research
November 17
Decentralization is eating up all industries that have been reliant on custodians and third parties for storage and transfer of value. Everything about how present-day finance functions falls in this category. The illustrious rise of DeFi as a category over the past few years has only made this thesis stronger. As of today, more than $100 Bn worth of assets are locked in DeFi apps across Ethereum. TVL can be considered analogous to AUM of an asset management company or book-size of a lender etc.