Welcome to Week in Crypto Drama #4! This week was quieter in the crypto verse as the JPEG traders were socializing on NFT LA, NFT Lisbon and NFT Tallinn. But the drama was real for BTC Miami, which got censored by Youtube. All this resulted in just one lost Ape, and 15.6 MUSD hacked from money market, Anchor.
But the week still gave us a new blockchain no-one has heard about. Kava entered the verse by rugging fools on Fool’s Day.
Last week we learned about a ponzi on Waves. This week crypto bros decided to punish this midwit scheme by shorting WAVES/USDN till it depegged. In 50 days 660M USDN will get liquidated. Unless the devs do something! Turns out that algorithmic stablecoins may not be that good of an idea and the same may happen with LUNA/UST. Looks like a good show indeed.
Ronin bridge hacker started to tornado some funds and Axie Infinity raised 150M to reimburse the losses. Someday.
UK wants in on crypto. Starts from the wrong end - NFT’s. They probably were inspired by Tom Brady. Or the most ugly NFT anyone has ever purchased for 1.2 MUSD. Didn’t they realize that it will be burned by degens with too much ETH? Or maybe it’s cause French influencers and gurus are leading the rugging championships?
Crypto markets showed some volatility. And volatility liquidates frens and frogs. Apparently volatility also means inflation, so poor NFT devs need to raise minting prices.
The polidicking around non-custodial wallet regulation is gathering steam. An average guy tells that we’re not gonna give up our keys, and not so average guy has a solution.
For years I was trying to figure what problem ₿ solves. Happy to report that the perfect answer has been found.
Netflix drops QuadrigaCX documentary. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but it includes 0xSifu and a thing very similar to a carpet.
For good vibes go mix yourself The Goat’s favorite coctail and listen to Meltem “Queen of Crypto” Demirors on Bankless.
That’s it for this week, enjoy the weekend🍷🍵