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Arianee Tech Blog

Arianee Tech Blog

Welcome! Here we offer insights into Arianee building standards and provide helpful guides for utilizing our protocol and APIs. Enjoy!
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Youā€™re wrong if you think youā€™re stuck with the blockchain youā€™re on today!

Does that ring a bell?
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Why public blockchain is the best data infrastructure for Digital Product Passports

Now that you've decided to implement digital product passports (DPPs), it's crucial to select the right infrastructure to support them. Many brand executives frequently come to us with similar questions: Why should we use blockchain technology, and what are the strategic edges against traditional centralized databases?
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Simplifying Digital Passport Creation and Management with Arianee APIs

At Arianee, we developed well-documented and user-friendly APIs to facilitate seamless integration with service providers, allowing developers to easily build on the Arianee Protocol.
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On-chain data management: A new paradigm that does not required a new CRM

The journey of a product shouldnā€™t end at the point of purchase. Instead, it should extend into a dynamic cycle of interactions between brands, customers, marketplaces, and service providers.Ā Tokenized digital product passports, powered by blockchain networks, are rethinking this journey, offering after-purchase services that enhance customer loyalty and adding new revenue streams for the brand.
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Arianee's Transfer Permit: The Gateway To Involving Third Parties

There is today a perfect alignment betweenĀ brandsā€™ interest to invest in a circular model of their productsĀ - leading to stronger relationships with existing customers and connecting to new ones - and the value brought by web3 infrastructure - interoperability, auditability and immutability to name a few. Here is why and how brands are enhancing the circularity of their products and bringing web3 to millions - not because they care about web3, just because it works.

Tracing the Evolution of the Arianee Protocol on-chain!

At Arianee, we harness the power of public blockchain technology to bring transparency, trust, and user empowerment into the way brands manage product lifecycle and interact with their customers. Our path has been marked by a series of decisions regarding the choice of blockchains. This article takes a closer look at the networks that have underpinned our solution to date.

Arianee's Technological Achievements in 2023

Following the NFT fever of 2022, the focus for 2023 shifted towards tooling for builders and enterprise customers. Allow me to pick for you four noteworthy features we shipped this year that are excellent examples of our dedication to our mission. šŸŒ”

Arianee SDK: Empowering Builders to Seamlessly Integrate Arianee Protocol

The recently launched Arianee SDK serves as the foundational framework, facilitating interactions with the Arianee Protocol. It provides developers with a robust and easy-to-use tool, making it effortless to integrate the Arianee Protocolā€™s features into their applications.Ā 

Arianeeā€™s interactions with the Arianee Protocol and Blockchain

Arianee has further enhanced user experiences in the web3 ecosystem by developing an in-house dApp (decentralized application). Created using ARN and JavaScript libraries, the cutting-edge dApp seamlessly integrates with a remote server, delivering comprehensive web3 services for both ERC-721 tokens and Arianee-specific functionalities.Ā