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I'm creating mutual aid systems of abundance @EnterTheStrudel
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July 17
\-> Be the crazy dancing guy.
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How NFTs solved piracy (but nobody knows it yet)

July 11
At the heart of our modern world lies an elegant yet fundamentally flawed concept: Intellectual Property (IP). It stands as a guardian, insisting that ideas can and should be owned and that this ownership must be legally protected. However, when scrutinized against the inherent nature of ideas, this model begins to show its cracks.
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Rethinking Revenue Models: Wallet as a Service on Decentralized Social Graphs.

June 14
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The Magic AI Ball: An Experiment in AI and NFTs 🎱🧠👁️

June 03
To marry nostalgia with modern technology, I embarked on a journey to reimagine a classic novelty item - the Magic 8 Ball. This journey led to the creation of the Magic AI Ball, a project that pushes the boundaries of how we interact with AI and understand ownership in the digital world.
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The Living Canvas: Interactive Digital Art as the Future of Expression

May 11
Art, a reflection of human creativity and imagination, has always been an evolving mirror of its time. From the rudimentary, ochre-tinted cave paintings of prehistoric times to the grandeur of the Renaissance frescoes and from the daring audacity of modernist abstractions to the immersive digital installations of today, each epoch has expressed its unique spirit through its dominant form of art.
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Fighting Fire with Fire: Decentralized Collective Storytelling in a Corporatized World

May 08
Since the dawn of humanity, collective stories have defined our culture and enriched our understanding of the world; storytellers have been the driving force behind crafting these narratives. From the ancient myths and legends that shaped early civilizations to the contemporary science fiction epics that capture our imagination today, their creations have formed the backbone of our shared experiences. Yet, the Writers' Guild, the institution committed to nurturing these storytellers to create the most culturally relevant stories of our current time, finds itself in a precarious position. In the face of increasing corporatization, they have resorted to striking to reclaim the profits and creative control they believe they deserve. Corporate publishing giants have amassed the rights to nearly every culturally relevant intellectual property, leaving little room for independent voices. This article examines how decentralized collective storytelling experiences, fueled by AI and blockchain technology, can empower the Writers' Guild, allowing them to regain ownership of their stories and secure the future of storytelling.

NFTs and AI: Pioneering the Era of Personalized Web Experiences and the Metaverse

May 03
Imagine entering a vast, virtual city where every building is uniquely designed to cater to its visitors' specific tastes and preferences. In this digital metropolis, each individual has a personalized experience tailored to their interests and desires, with the city’s architecture continuously evolving and adapting to accommodate its diverse inhabitants.

NerdOS Proposal - EthDenver Expenses

March 10
First and foremost, we want to express our sincere gratitude for the support and resources invested in the NerdOS delegation. Your contributions have allowed us to build a better and consistent brand presence on our social media channels, establish a team of leaders dedicated to different community areas, and work towards our long-term goals.
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How to Avoid the 1984 Future

January 09
George Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning to the world of what could happen if governments had absolute control. In 1948, Orwell was living in an era of great political unrest and upheaval, with oppressive regimes in power in much of Europe and totalitarianism on the rise throughout the world. He wrote 1984 to caution against such an authoritarian future and to raise awareness of government surveillance which he believed was becoming more pervasive. He hoped his novel would inspire readers to think critically about their own governments and how they were being governed.