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A collective of creative technologists advancing the art of building companies at the frontiers of technology and design baukunst.co
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Field Notes from Davos, 2024

January 23
I went romping through the icy streets of Davos last week, my first time ever attending the World Economic Forum. Here's what I saw.
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From Addressing Extractive Capitalism to Generating Inclusive Solutions: Takeaways from the 2023 Baukunst Conference

November 16
Reflections & insights from conference attendee Allison Fonder.
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Recap: Baukunst Creative Technologist Conference NYC 2023

November 16
On October 18 + 19, Baukunst gathered at the iconic Hotel Chelsea in NYC to reflect on our year together and turn the page toward what’s next.
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The Personal & Emotional Side of Selling Your Company

August 14
Stephen Ango and Jesse Genet of Lumi open up about the liberation and terror of acquisition.
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Creative Technology at the Timescale of Civilization

May 24
At the Interval in San Francisco, Baukunst GP Tyler Mincey spoke with Nick Brysiewicz, Director of Strategy at the Long Now Foundation, about how and why we need to think on a 10,000 year timescale.  Their discussion ranged from the need for social constructs that pass knowledge down generation-to-generation to curating  ‘breadcrumb record trails’ that collect the most important digital ephemera currently being lost to the abyss of time.
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Design for Circularity

April 19
We invited three award winning industrial design and engineering studios to discuss the emerging, and at times divisive, trend toward designing products and packaging for circularity. Nichole Rouillac of level, Bret Recor of Box Clever, and Dan Kennedy of Ronin Product Development Labs each shared a dispatch from the frontiers of product and packaging design.
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Automated Agriculture for the New Climate Era

April 04
At FYTO, Dr. Jason Prapas and his team are blending agriculture, robotics, and biology to grow nutrient-dense, non-GMO aquatic crops using automated cultivation, and harvesting systems. These crops empower farmers to feed their animals with improved nutrition, better price stability, and a drastically lower environmental footprint than ever before.
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Meet Baukunst’s New Associate, Chelsea Goddard

February 24
We saw over 500 candidates for our Associate role at Baukunst. It was an exceptional group of people. Chelsea stood head and shoulders above the rest. We love working with interdisciplinary experts, and she’s no exception.
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Raising Capital at Pre-seed with Kate McAndrew and Sydney Thomas

January 17
Investing at the stage of company formation is its own special beast.