
Beren Rana Oz

Beren Rana Oz

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What Kind of Companies Will Survive the Crypto Crash?

I’ve landed to United States this week to join our Cohart NFT show in LA and I am quite hyped up about the event. On the less exciting news, crypto markets has been not doing so hot. And by not doing so hot, I mean Celsius tanking 70% in 1 Hour after freezing account withdrawals on June 12, 2022. For those who’d like to take a closer look into Celsius meltdown, I recommend you to read a thread written by Jack Niewold — great person to follow on Twitter if you’re in the space.

Why we all should be excited about web3?

Beren Rana Oz
November 21
This week a Decentralized Autonomous Organization called Constitution DAO was able to collect more than $40M in just a few days to buy a copy of the U.S. Constitution. Its significance? They actually joined the auction at Sotheby’s, exclusive auction house serving the art taste of world’s super rich. No, they didn’t win the auction. However, their success signals a bigger trend that we have been seeing more and more, potentially NFT craze of 2020 (and still) marking the beginning: giving the power back to the “community”.