Boarding in progress

We keep on developing, looking forward to connecting with some funding sources soon so that we can involve a greater range of expertise.

Let’s see how many hectares we can get signed up, the target is to have dozens of hectares by the end of the year. Tokenising them properly in a legally compliant way remains is the next hurdle for us.

On-boarding assets while we develop our first impact certificates is the order of the day. We start with getting the details of forests and their ecology properly audited so that they can be quantified.

Once they are legally indemnified as protected areas which are to be managed in perpetuity for the benefit of society and biodiversity they will be tokenised. Anyone will be able to view them in buanfund.eth - the number of hectares that we have tokenised is the equivalent to our market cap.

Working with the forest owners to get all of the vital statistics right for their transformation into impact certificates has been a learning process. Documents pertaining to the ownership, 't&c' relevant to the memorandum of understanding with regards to conservation, GPS coordinates, 3d imaging of the forest, sound-scaping, documenting the diversity of species etc are all part of the long list of details we need to fill out. Extremely excited to see BÚAN assets independently verified, tokenised and transformed into certificates soon.

In terms of the design for the impact certificates themselves, we are increasingly convinced of the need to challenge the stale old format of just listing quantitative information. Raw data is important part of being accountable to the end user but lists are not going to entice people to feel the value of the habitats in a tangible way. We want to imbue our certificates with the feeling of the habitats they represent; as the living, breathing, growing entities that they are.

Cornell Labs graphic
Cornell Labs graphic

We continue to look at different projects for inspiration. Keeping in mind our end users are going to predominantly be high end retail customers we really need to get the feeling of the certificates right. So far we are set on including the 3D imaging of the habitats underlying the certificates and incorporating illustrations of different wildlife.

There is so much left to do but getting the first forests tokenised in a legally indemnifiable way is something that we are very much looking forward to.

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