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B Ú A N fund

B Ú A N fund

Optimising for biodiversity in perpetuity.
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Natures bonding curve

Effectively incentivising landscape level improvements means creating markets to tackle problems.
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Wet Wetland

B Ú A N fund
January 02
Made a flying visit down to Kerry to see the plot in the winter time. Leaving at seven in the morning from Dublin Heuston we took the train down to Killarney and drove through the National Park to Sneem. Everything was draped in a thick blanket of fog, so thick we did not even see the property or any of the landscape at all on the first day. The air was full of water, drenching everything growing through it, really showing us how wet this place could be.
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A 17 Hectare Nature Reserve in Co. Kerry

B Ú A N fund
November 08
BÚAN\_ fund is pleased to declare its support for this spectacular 17.83 hectare site in the beautiful county of Kerry. The first of many that we have stacked and ready to go.
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Blockchain / meatspace

Recently we have been part of the Impact Verification Bundle on GitCoin raising funds to work on solutions that bring an additional layer of integrity to projects claims.
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Boarding in progress

We keep on developing, looking forward to connecting with some funding sources soon so that we can involve a greater range of expertise.
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Impact now

Flipping metrics in favour of biodiversity and regenerating nature does not have to be an arduous process. It needs to be incentivised properly. Policy changes take time and often come more in the form of a stick than a carrot. A stick that is often brushed aside and disregarded completely.
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Haptic forests

One area of focus for us at the moment is to develop an effective means of displaying quantitive information for our certificates.
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Environmentally speaking

To say that Ξthereum is the most environmentally friendly technology on the face of this earth right now might sound totally facetious. There is some merit to that statement though. If you consider that the currency the world runs on at the moment is literally called the Petrodollar, this stance starts to sound slightly less absurd.
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Thirty days later

It’s been a few weeks since our first post. The project has come a long way in a short amount of time. Forging real world partnerships and Ξthereum based ones. Working out how exactly we are going to deploy this project has seen a lot of threads converge.