Nftoads is the very first nft project I ever made. Dropped back in August 2021 on OpenSea Shared Storefront. Due to industry limitations at the time for non-coding artists, they lazily minted as Erc1155’s. Released shortly before Cryptoadz by evil king Gremplin (who came and brought the smackdown with generative art and a legit smart contract on the favored Erc751 “gold standard”). 2/400 individually hand drawn nftoads minted for 0.005E and the sale had since failed/closed. NFToad holders received an airdrop for unofficial mfermigos when the project dropped 12/24/2023 (free for mfers/Nakamigos/~~EOS/Cloaks~~ holders), which then received airdrops and access to NonFungibleTCG crypto trading cards inspired by Beeples everydays (which ironically dropped before OG Nakamigos crypto trading cards) released on base before base was popularized by Sartoshi and $mfer. This in turn granted all the holders of all my art projects access to and allowlist for alpha hodlers free claim/redeem when alpha hodlers released 04/20/2024.