The New Era Of The Internet?

Web 3.0 retained been a thing of interest to many people out there ranging from just normal daily users to developers who have found this trend of technology quite fascinating and are beginning to hop in to find a niche, network and grow because of how lucrative web 3.0 can be for just a normal user to the makers of various tools and dApps in the space(Devs).

With the spike in interest in this new era of the internet, people have begun to ask questions like:

  • What is web3.0?

  • How will it influence the current state of the internet?

  • What effect will it have on users and builders?
    Before we provide answers to all these questions above, we will better understand the history of the internet, how it evolved to this present state and how it evolved to web3.0. Because web3.0 is not yet fully achieved, it is in a constant form of evolution, not just web3.0 but the whole internet itself is an evolving world where things shift and take a new direction every new decade.

A concise history of the Internet
The internet is in a constant state of alter, since its inception in 1989, we've been seeing a series of changes taking place that lead us to the present state of the internet (web3.0).
Initially, the internet talking about web1 focuses on ready only. It gives users access to search for information and read-only without engaging or having to share their ideas with other users. Users not being able to share their ideas or engage with others calls for a change in the web1 setting. There is a need for a setting users get to interact with each other and share information like pictures, videos and music with each other at ease across the world, that's where web2.0 come in place.
Web2.0 allow normal users to read content on the internet but this time around the activity doesn't stop at reading but creates content too. So users can read about content and share their ideas. But with how fun and fascinating all this is all about, web2.0 have its loopholes and flaws that need to be patched just like web1.0 which pave way for web3.0.
Some of the series of flaws with web3.0 that need correction are:

  • Web2.0 is heavily centralized, this gives big web2.0 companies right over millions of users' data.

  • Lacks privacy, with this big corporation handling users' data, there is a possibility of them tampering with those data and making a chunk of fortune from it without the knowledge of their users

  • Lack of security, with millions of data in a centralized setting, there can easily be a security bridge and at a single hit, all might be lost.
    Web3.0 brings solutions to these problems and more. Some of the key interesting features of web3.0 include:

  • Data ownership (users get to own their data now and don't have to entrust it to anybody else)

  • Privacy

  • Transparency

  • Lack of intermediaries
    With time, we get to see products with more of these features on web3.0

What is web3.0?
Web3.0 is the phase of the internet that not only allows users to read, read and create but also allow users to effectuate. Web3.0 is a combination of machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. The outcome is a real-world interaction.

Web3.0 allow users to do whatever they want to do on the internet without risking their privacy, following an intermediary or losing ownership. Web1.0 is about providing online content, web2.0 pave way for the explosive growth of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and Web3.0 is here to transition us into a decentralized internet.

How will it influence the current state of the internet?
Web3.0 turns online engagements into commodities that have people ready to pay for them which will allow users to monetize their data without big companies doing that and not giving them a dime from it. With ideas like P2E, Ideamarket, stream to earn and others, users can perform their everyday activities which they do on web2.0 on web3.0 but earn at the process without compromising privacy.
Tools like the GenkiBox is a web3.0 that offers marketing tools to both web2.0 and web3.0 projects to better their marketing campaigns for optimal results. Projects spend thousands on marketing annually without being able to track their results effectively to drive more traffic on-chain. Genki is here to provide a bridge that will ease users' journey from web2.0 to web3.0 seamlessly without the need to compromise their privacy. With time the ever-growing web3.0 decentralized applications (dApps) will take over the web2.0 applications and we can see that happen any time soon.
What effect will it have on users and builders?
With the transition in progress, we will tend to see more developers moving into the web3.0 space to find their respective niches and begin to build useful dApps or tools that will serve various use in both worlds (web2.0 and web3.0). Users can be able to navigate between web2.0 and web3.0 harmoniously, take part in activities, earn and learn in the process, that's what Genki is trying to actualize and we can say for sure that Genki is already doing that. Stick around and tell our web3.0 story with us!

About Genki

Genki aims to be a Web 3 community on-ramp platform. Targeting the on-chain users accurately is hard and that problem gave birth to Genki. By having accurate data of each channel and user on-chain profiles, Genki helps projects save time and cut down costs on searching for influencers and users for community and marketing. Importantly, Genki has three phases which could be found in our published article about our mini roadmap


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