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🕵️Research |⚡️ Alpha | 🧵Thread | 🪂Airdrop | It will be fun to find alpha and hunt it, stay with me to never miss next big opportunity
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⚡️ Alpha | 03/06/2024

6 hours ago
Stay ahead in the crypto space with this comprehensive roundup of the latest quests, campaigns, incentivized testnets, IDOs, and airdrops.

⚡️ Alpha | 28/05/2024

Stay ahead in the crypto space with this comprehensive roundup of the latest quests, campaigns, incentivized testnets, IDOs, and airdrops.

⚡️ Alpha | 22/05/2024

⍟ Caldera Crusade a 8-week long campaign, complete all weeks to be eligible for special Soulbound NFT: https://app.galxe.com/quest/Caldera/GCZzntzigs

⚡️ Alpha | 14/05/2024

⍟ Morph Holesky Expedition campaign on Galxe: https://app.galxe.com/quest/Morph/GCNaDtzHMT

⚡️ Alpha | 01/05/2024

⍟ Immutable Ecosystem’s Main Quest $50M Reward for grab: ⏤ Sign up for immutable passport: https://passport.immutable.com/ ⏤ Earn Gems daily: https://imx.community/gems?utm\_source=x\&utm\_medium=social\&utm\_campaign=2024\_0430\_rewards ⏤ Play Ecosystem games for more reward
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⚡️ Alpha | 24/04/2024

⚡️ Alpha
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⚡️ Alpha | 14/04/2024

⍟ Scroll's loyalty program is live; Bridge Asset to earn #Marks on Season Zero: https://scroll.io/blog/introducing-scroll-sessions
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⚡️ Alpha | 9/04/2024

⍟ Orderly "Road to The Order" now live; Trade on Orderly brokers to earn merits: https://app.orderly.network/

䷐ Avail Light Client Lift-off Campaign!

⎘ " @AvailProject announced a new campaign on that you have to complete social task and Run Avail light client to mint #NFT for Future Reward"