Social science experiments #DeSci #DeSocSci

I have overheard some theories.

They pass my plausible / interesting filter and I’m genuinely curious.

But there is no obvious way of fact-checking and verifying.

I would like to see the raw data.

Either find an existing research study or design a new one. Probably create a new one, in the spirit of #DeSci, avoiding all sorts of trouble:

  • IRB: institutional review board

  • Access to funding

  • Access to publishing

  • Publish or perish, no incentive for replication

  • No obligatory pre-registration… (data does not fit preconceived outcome so reject the study)

And then some problems related not only to science and academia:

  • Shadowbanning from Google

  • Cancel culture

  • Too afraid to offend anyone

I genuinely would like to know, dig to the bottom of it. I talk openly about legalisation of cannabis (ending “war on drugs”) and I’m aware of the biases:

Why #DeSci matters?

Article from 2016 but still pretty accurate:

You can call me names

Terrorist, peadephible, Putin supporter, half-nephew of Hitler, I can even apply to work for police to accomplish the worst possible jail status ever: “cop informant paedophile” (I can add some aggravating factors if needed too)

But more seriously… I’m aware someone may not like questions and I’m aware that I might be portrayed in negative light:

Super open and inclusive

Diversity as competitive advantage, more diverse point of views, broader network.

Refugees as resourceful risk-taking entrepreneurs

There is one race, human race.

Radical inclusivity, I genuinely couldn’t care less as long as your breath doesn’t smell like rotten eggs.

An example where diversity not required: 3 guys working in a garage, putting long hours in the startup, all of them from Poland. To introduce someone who doesn’t speak Polish and require all the communication to be in English, via Zoom, 8 timezones difference - counterproductive.

In fact I’ve approached one of the very few black people at a conference. I was genuinely curious about them, asked them what do you do: “I work here” (as a waiter). I’m not perpetuating stereotypes, I talk about my approach and independently obtained data point.

This is a blockchain publishing platform (unlikely to get cancelled) and I’ll be using throwaway Google account - this in case you “report to Google” and they block my account.

With that said, here are a few research questions that I would like to address, figure out, despite the fear of being cancelled.

Source: AND
Source: AND
  1. Slaves:

  2. Storing fat

  3. Toxic environment

  4. Attractive career path

  5. Salary expectations

  6. Clothing

  7. Orienteering

In face-2-face conversations I was able to disprove one of these theories already but still keen to test other aspects of it.

Next steps: put all the questions in the Google Form and start collecting answers.

Genuine intention

I would like to better understand what others think.

I would like to obtain raw information.

(not processed by the journalistic filter, publication that is owned by someone, someone who owns fossil fuel stocks, funding climate change denial)

  • Transgender

  • Transphobic

  • Transvestite

  • Meta-transphobic (fear of being accused of transphobic)

I genuinely couldn’t care less.

Any consenting adult should be able to do whatever they want.

Divide and conquer

This technique was working since forever: Sun Tzu, Julius Caesar, Napoleon

TERF - trans-exclusionary radical feminist - just imagine you care about feminism - such a great way to get involved into civil war and debates: “trans women are women”?

REPEAT: Super open and inclusive

But you can still don’t like me.

If anything that I wrote triggered an emotion in you and made you think - that’s great, process of waking up, questioning - thank you so much, the pleasure is mine :)

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