“God has 72 names”
I have been a seeker of “God” for the better part of my life. Got really interested in Theology after reading “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass when i was about 13 or 14. That launched me onto a path to find the secrets and true answers of what “Spirituality” is ACTUALLY all about.
For the longest time- the Word “God” left a bad taste in my mouth. It was too associated with prior beliefs that were not my own. After reading a few other books and diving into Zen Buddhism, and the Tao Te Ching- i replaced the word God with “Dao”(which has many meanings itself- but worked for me).
When i say “Dao” to myself- i feel like im calling on the Universe. Like i am calling on the Gods. Zeus, Thor, Ares, Brahma, Ganesh, and even the Titans themselves. “The Creator”. The Quantum Physics of the Universe.
Dao, for me, lives inside every plants leaves, fruit, and even dying pieces- inside the depths of any animals eyes that seem like universes in themselves when you stare into them- inside the hard wood table i just set my plate on- its inside the plate- its the molecules and atoms that make up BEING. Thats Dao- and today- for me- thats also God.
Its the all being ever present force that wants nothing but love and whats best for me and the world.
You can call “it” whatever you want. That doesnt matter. Point is to understand why you ARE “calling” it- and what it MEANS to YOU. :)
”The Gods are With Us”
And im glad. Glad to have some backup and Strength.