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I create Vibes
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Daily Vibe // 7.13.23

July 14
“Attitude” The following are two completely different scenarios in my life that offer the same teaching. One // Pain I live with pain. I have 4 back diseases. Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Degenerative Disk, and Frailty of the Bones. I have had these diseases most of my life, taking my first rest on the floor because of extreme pain from push mowing the yard at 11 years old. This also coincided with my Mother giving my first “pill” to “fix it” which I was then able to finish mowing the yard and clean the whole house because of- ultimately leading to…. Well an entirely different story than what this article is about. I live with pain. Yes. Some of my absolute closest friends in life do not know that I have those 4 back diseases. Why? Because I REFUSE to let it RUN my life. I don’t talk about it. I don’t let it direct what I can and can’t do. Its not the first thing I consider before tackling a new adventure. Does it stop me from certain things? Absolutely. I have learned my limitations because of it and killed my ego behind that, but its still not running the show. Here’s the “main” thing. Its all about Attitude.  I could complain all day, and maybe even rightfully so. I could get enough prescription drugs to sedate a horse as my daily regimen. I could do these things, but I choose not to, and I choose to have a good attitude about it. Two // Dishes Dishes could very well be the bane of my existence if I let it. I do them daily at work and daily at home. They never stop. They never will stop. Its very similar to dust accumulating everywhere in life and mother nature slowly creeping back onto the sidewalk, reclaiming itself as rightful owner of the earth. “Here I am again, washing dishes”. I could complain, again- possibly rightfully so, about having to do these everyday. I could pay someone else to do it and complain about that. I could wine and moan and yell at my family for creating the dishes I have to wash teaching them that I ultimately despise them for eating and living. This is a daily task. Maintenance. And although it may not seem like it, its actually an important task. After all, I want my family to eat their food off of clean plates- and I GET to provide that for them. ALL walks of life have daily maintenance. Even where we think the grass is greener, such as a distorted view of a famous, rich actor- they have maintenance that we can’t even fathom. Maybe more stressful things than I would care for, personally. I might just be ok with the dishes and yard work, if I truly knew what their maintenance was. These thoughts, and many more examples, help me shape my attitude- and offer me great perspective. I don’t always think comparing is healthy, but sometimes it does offer me gratitude and perspective for my life- regardless of the hand I was dealt. I will do the maintenance. My attitude, gratitude, and perception will shape my life.
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Daily Vibe // 4.14.23

April 14
\*\*“Life Doesn't happen in the Future” \*\* I can often think to myself- in regards to my family's future, my own future, and my legacy, “once I get A,B, and C set- we will be able to experience an amazing life.
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Daily Vibe ://: 1.13.23

January 13
“I need HELP”
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Daily Vibe ://: 11.24.22

November 24
“I don't have to…….                           ….…..I get to”
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Daily Vibe ://: 11.21.22

November 21
“Grow up or Die”
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Daily Vibe ://: 11.17.22

November 19
“For every shadow, no matter how deep, is threatened by morning light.”
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Daily Vibe ://: 11.15.22

November 15
“Be the Change you want to see in the World” - Mahatma Gandhi
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Daily Vibe ://: 11.14.22

November 14
“God has 72 names”
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Daily Vibe ://: 11.13.22

November 13
“Then why’d you do it?…… …….because, you asked me to” - Kim and Edward in Edward Scissorhands