“I don't have to…….
….…..I get to”
Its really ALL about perspective.
Its not about minimizing my REAL problems- but it is about my perspective on my problems- and how far im willing to let it take me down the rabbit hole of apathy and loathing.
I have 4 back diseases. Scoliosis, kyphosis, shermans disease (frail bones) and Degenerative Disk Disease.
If you know me well - you may not actually even know this. My closest friends might not have ever heard me talk about it.
Whys that? Because i CHOOSE to not let it be in the forefront of my life anymore.
I live with pain- a lot of us do. Some of it is normal pain of day to day life- some of it is from my back problems. Some of it used to be from terrible posture, and taking prescriptions pills to dull the pain, and continuing on with my day- with no corrections to posture, muscle tone, stretching, etc.
Point is- i don't let pain RUN my day.
My back diseases, ultimately, brought me to a better way of life. Without them, i may have never found recovery and a new way to live.
Now that's a perspective shift.
My son with Autism- is hard. He did not sleep through the night for 8 years of his life. My wife and i used to high five- “tag your in” in the middle of the night so the other could sleep. He used to shit in his hand, rub it all over the walls, and eat it- in a matter of 3 minutes while i was cooking dinner, took out the trash, tried to mow the yard. Boom- all over. My wife and I have stayed away, for a whole night or weekend, 3 times total in the 10 years that he has been with us.
I COULD complain about all of this. Or- look at what he has brought to my life.
My son with Autism has taught me patience, tolerance, and acceptance like nothing else. Standing up for him in meetings with “teams” has taught me how to advocate for my family. Service to him and understanding he is part of my “dharma” (spiritual responsibilities) has taught me how to be a better human being to all- ESPECIALLY other kids and humans with special needs.
Ever get annoyed by the loud kid at wal mart and start judging the parents? Me too- until i was that parent embarrassed and frustrated because my son with autism is screaming and crying for absolutely no reason.
Perspective. Empathy. Gratitude.
I try my best to count my blessings and not my problems. Makes life look a lot better.
What are you counting today?
Problems and defects are easy to make a list of.
Challenge yourself to make a list of things you are grateful for and blessed with.
Time for a shift in perspective.