
Musings on crypto

Musings on crypto

full time bagholder
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What Is "Frames", the Farcaster Feature Endorsed by Paul Graham?

Backed by a16z, the decentralized social platform Farcaster unveiled Frames—a move that's sending shockwaves through the developer community and pushing DAU metrics to new peaks. Eschewing the fleeting fads of the crypto circus, Farcaster is doubling down on a developer-first approach that's translating into genuine, sticky user engagement. Silicon Valley's own Paul Graham has given his nod to the approach, signaling a strong endorsement. It's becoming clear: Frames isn't just a feature; it's a bid to redefine the social app landscape.


铭文到底有什么用? 昨天lobsterdao TG群有人问了一个问题「铭文有什么用」,下面获得最高赞的一个回复是「哥们儿,你问这话就外行了😂」

Driving Mass Adoption: How Inscriptions are Crypto's Onramp

Yesterday someone asked in the lobsterdao TG, "Are inscriptions even useful?" And got that snarky reply "we don't ask those type of questions here" 😂