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jacq vaca

jacq vaca

artist, culture hacker, zeitgeist reader. human coordination is my favorite game.
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Expansions on Hacker Archetypes

jacq vaca
August 30
Hacking is just a set of tools to bend the rules. You might already be a hacker and not even know it. Picture the word ‘hacker,’ and the most predictable images of scrolling lines of green DOS-era Matrix code glowing onto a black-hoodied figure in a dark basement come to mind ‘Real’ hackers hate this.
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Don't Call It A DAO: Language Lessons for Progress & Adoption

jacq vaca
August 07
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but anyone who wants to broadcast the concept of DAOs beyond the circles where they already exist, it’s time to ditch the terminology that makes outsiders cringe.
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Build Your Own L2 Culture

jacq vaca
June 08
(Or any multi-component ecosystem culture…)
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Origins of Crypto Principles

jacq vaca
March 29
One of the ways I am offering my brain to this space we call crypto is just sharing some of the topics I read about to see how work we do here is a computational legacy to be continued.
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In Support of Creative Hackathons

jacq vaca
February 20
Given that this crypto renaissance movement is influenced by developers, creatives, and investors alike, it’s in the industry’s interest to experiment with hackathon formats. The tools we have today make it easier than ever to spin up a project, and we should leverage this for greater inclusion, which leads to better adoption.

You think you can hurt me? I'm building in public

jacq vaca
February 09
The title comes from a gem of a tweet by Cheryl Douglass, presumably tied to a heartbreaking elimination in Crypto: the Game.