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Recently my Nix home-manager config sharted, this is how I fixed it

December 11
I had to reinstall Nix and home-manager recently on my Mac, because for some reason home-manager switch stopped working.

Mac + Nix + home_manager Love Story

August 23
I had been eyeing Nix for a while, intrigued by the possibility to deterministically define dependencies to projects et cetera. Then, at the end of 2021 I found out about home-manager, which is a way to manage your standard development environment setup with Nix – It's like any dotfiles repo you've ever seen, but better.

Transforming regular React components to Stitches components

August 23
Stitches is a composable styling library for JS that is a great alternative for CSS modules, since components styled with Stitches can be extended with “inline” styles using the css prop, or be used to define other, further Stitches styled components.

Using Notion as a CMS for anything that reads markdown

August 23
As you might see from the fact that this blog resides on Mirror instead of Notion, I didn’t end up using this, but I reckon some might get usage out of the code that I wrote. :)

Not Quite As Expected

June 19
NOTE: Originally published on January 8th, 2020. Little did the writer know what was about to hit the fan. :) I’ve also since then learned that memory metals are pretty vital in some areas, but rarely seen by the average consumer.

Experiences of Coding an Open Source Winston Transport

June 19
NOTE: Originally published on March 23rd, 2019

Using the Native HTML Select Element in React

June 19
NOTE: Originally published on July 2nd, 2018

If You’re Using Metamask on Your Computer, Please Do This

May 23
Lately ConsenSys announced that they will be logging each user’s IP addresses who use Infura as their default RPC on Metamask. RPC or remote procedure call is the “backend” server you use for communicating with blockchain networks for both inbound (loading transactions) and outbound (submitting transactions) interactions.