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Tinker Tailor Soldier… Solver?

November 15
In this piece I want to discuss solving, and my prediction of the future of what UX/Bridging will look like over the next few years. I think as someone actively engaged in solving for existing bridges, running strategies in this space, and having been talking to many founders working on bridges and intents platforms; I’ll hopefully have an interesting prediction for you, dear reader.
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Arbitrum I love you, but you’re bringing me down.

September 26
Recently Arbitrum’s DAO passed a vote to determine a feature of the new and upcoming sequencing replacement, named: Timeboost™️. It’s my job by the end of this article to plead for the Arbitrum DAO and team to reconsider their implementation of Timeboost™️, but I likely know this is likely a fool’s errand. There are a few major issues I see, both with the greedy and shortsighted rationale for pushing it through quietly and quickly, as well as the likely catastrophic effects it will have on users in the Arbitrum ecosystem.
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Go Sequence Yourself

Is there anything more cucked than letting someone ELSE sequence YOUR transactions?
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There Is Nothing New Under The Sun

Why searchers and solvers are a temporary phenomenon…
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Blockchains are BAD (for execution)!

The only way to be based is to be sequenced… wait I think I got that backwards…
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Aori, Game Theory, and DeFi

Aori, MEV, DeFi, Arbitrage