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SuperProtocol: The Future of Trustless Computing for a Decentralized Web 3.0

March 07
Web3 is the future of the internet, a decentralized digital world owned by the community. But, this dream is not yet fully realized as the current infrastructure for web three projects remains centralized, with cloud service providers holding and processing all heavy computations. This leaves the web 3.0 ecosystem vulnerable to a single point of failure and requires users to trust corporate bureaucracy not to compromise their data.
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The Value of Value: The Importance of Being Worth It

October 19
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Cryptocurrency Adoption in Africa: Is It Too Early for the Average African?

September 25
Image Source: Unsplash
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Money Making Mindset

September 21
Money making, in its most basic form, is a barter system (transactional). A barter system in a sense that human beings are welling exchange what we kind of want with what we really want. Example I have 100usd and you have something I value (a nice cup of cappuccino) so, let’s swap. So, if you really want to ~~take people’s money away from them~~ make money, provide value, add value. That’s it, easy peasy right?
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August 14
Human. What does it even mean? This is my story. I am me; I know who I am. I know I am alive. I know my thoughts. I live in my world; I am comfortable in my world. In my world, in my story I am the hero…hero? No, in my world I am the protagonist. Things happen to me, for me and everything is about me. The rest of you and everything else are just background noise. I cannot think about you and your problems because I am the center of my world. I may call you friend; I may say I love you but that would be a lie. Don’t get me wrong I need you. Every hero needs supporting characters. Expendable people. Someone needs to be sacrificed and cast away.
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What Keeps Me Motivated

August 05
When the world is burning and there is chaos around you, it can sometimes be scary (who am I kidding, it is always scary). What does one do to remain sane, to remain sane after taking loss after loss? It may seem overwhelming but there are ways to survive and save your sanity.
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August 02
With Ethereum mainnet gas fees going as low as 4gwei, opportunities abound. Protocols and services that were out of reach for the regular guy because of high gas fees can now be accessed. Defi protocols, quests and bounties and many more can now be taken advantage of by small scale investors (shrimps).