An update on the current progress of October & overall Q4 goals.
Just a quick update on the prior October newsletter. Most progress has been made public already, so not too much to add on this one.
Treasury Management
Rebranding Updates
Website Revamp
Application Form/Platform
Community Review/Contributor Program
Financials/Investment Updates
Here’s a quote from Council Member Lizident that should cover everything investment related
Investment 1 - we just signed the SAFT so are good to send funds whenever. We are going to have a (joint) aelin pool towards the end of Oct.
Investment 2 - Investment coming before end of Oct.
Investment 3 - Waiting for legal docs to be sent to us, before end of year.
The above investments total up to around 60,000 USDC in value, which was the reason for the ETH to USDC swap that occurred a couple of days ago.
That's all folks!
The Ethlizards Team