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#11 Monthly Newsletter, May - Redeployment, Staking and New Whitepaper!

The Ethlizards new white paper outlining its path to the top of the Web3 gaming industry. Redeployment, staking and expanded partnerships at NFT NYC.
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#10 Monthly Newsletter, March - Happy Anniversary!

Congrats Ethlizards for turning 1 year old! Here’s a recap of what’s happened in February and some exciting hints as to what comes next. March will be a busy month!
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#9 Monthly Newsletter, February - Updates & Updates

Ethlizards 🦎
February 02
Updates on the progress made since December, and many new announcements and things to look forward to!
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Ethlizards and XBorg Announce Strategic Partnership

Ethlizards 🦎
January 30
Ethlizards and XBorg will closely collaborate on tournament organisation and investment opportunities to further the growth of the Web3 gaming industry.
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#8 Monthly Newsletter, EOY Full Project Review for 2022

Ethlizards 🦎
January 08
A review of everything from Ethlizards beginnings through the latest updates in December 2022.
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#7 Monthly Newsletter, December “Looking forward”

Ethlizards 🦎
December 01
An update on the changes made in November, and a comprehensive breakdown of what’s to come in 2023.
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#6 Mid-Monthly Newsletter, November

Ethlizards 🦎
November 17
An update on our November & Q4 goals.
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#5 Monthly Newsletter, November - "Products & Products"

Ethlizards 🦎
November 01
Here’s a look into what’s been happening behind the scenes in October, as well as what’s planned next.
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#4 Mid-Monthly Newsletter, October

Ethlizards 🦎
October 17
An update on the current progress of October & overall Q4 goals.