La Sape: Natural Memecoin Totem & Factory With Positive Influence
September 2nd, 2024

By loxia.eth

From memes to social trends, to wealth transfer, and even to “changing the world,” we need to start by focusing on specific people and events. Globally, we should seek out individuals we admire, those we are willing to work with, and those who need Web3 the most, so that together we can create something new.

— Part 1: SAPE Movement & Web3’s Ambitious —

1.1 Forward

A meme token acts as a placeholder, rising to meet the market’s speculative demands when DeFi innovation stagnates, and predators outnumber prey. Admittedly, the industry has lost much of its allure. The grand ambitions to ‘change the world’ seem to have faded, replaced by a shrewd, self-serving, and calculating mindset — frankly, it’s become dull.

“Changing the world” is an incredibly alluring concept. Don’t think of it as some distant dream! It’s a highly adaptable idea. A placeholder meme, or cryptocurrency, can have a profound and dramatic impact on the world, just like Bitcoin did. It can also be small and elegant, making modest contributions — not necessarily big or bold, but deeply rooted.

When dealing with placeholders, our focus should never be on the placeholder itself. A meme is a universal concept, not just a specific niche. A meme is like water in this way: You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle; you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup; you put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or crash. If you focus solely on the meme itself, you risk losing direction as it flows. So, where should we direct our attention? On specific people and events! And also on positive externalities. Why? Because only positive externalities provide the legitimacy for liquidity to flow into your address! Positive externalities are always connected to particular people and events.

When you shift your focus from liquidity to specific people and events, and every time you see someone struggling to make ends meet, don’t you feel that the world is unfair to them? Don’t you hear a voice in your head — perhaps a sense of social responsibility — telling you that you need to take action? Web3 needs to find ways to address these issues, to make financial opportunities as equitable as possible, and to make the unpresentable, decent.

The stronger this voice resonates in your mind, the closer you are in reality to finding the ideal launchpad for Web3 or a meme token.

1.2 “I Have a Dream: I Want to Be a Decent Person.”

Almost everyone aspires to live a decent life, one marked by dignity — whether in terms of physical comfort, spiritual fulfillment, or moral integrity.

However, achieving dignity often comes down to luck. Take Congo, an African country with over 100 million people, as an example.

The combined population of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Republic of Congo is approximately 110 million, which is close to the combined population of the UK and France at 136 million. Statistically, when rolling the dice of fate, the chances of being born in Congo or in the UK/France are nearly the same.

But what about their economic strength? In 2023, the UK and France together had a GDP of about $6.3 trillion, while the two Congos combined had just $81.7 billion — barely a drop in the bucket by comparison.

For someone born in Congo, living a “decent” life is far more challenging than for someone born in the UK or France. Even though we are all human, Congolese people face a much steeper uphill battle to achieve dignity and respect.

Yet, this struggle starkly conflicts with our basic desire for a decent life.

Imagine a group of Congolese who have lived in the UK or France — where dignity is more easily achieved — and then return to Congo. The contrast would be striking. Having seen a world full of opportunities, these individuals might feel a profound sense of discontent when they come back to a place with far fewer prospects. What would they do in response?

Indeed, such a group exists — individuals tossed around by the whims of fate.

During World War I, French colonial troops returned home with entire sets of stylish French clothing, a refined taste for French fashion, the lifestyle habits of more developed regions, and the gentlemen’s code of conduct. There is also a theory that La Sape originated from an intentional cultural invasion by the colonizers. Regardless of whether this was deliberate or incidental, the result was a reciprocal cultural exchange.

These veterans would meet regularly, in their finest attire, to discuss matters of life, politics, and fashion. Regardless of the indignities they faced outside these gatherings — whether facing hunger and poverty — these moments created an atmosphere, a beautiful illusion of dignity, where they could reclaim their dignity and find temporary solace.

This is why their group is named the Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes — “The Society of Ambiance-Makers and Elegant People,” or La Sape. Members, known as Sapeurs, come together to create a collective dream, a fantasy that helps them counter reality.

The weight of that reality is crushing. The Congolese have endured nearly a century of civil war and famine, and the Sapeurs have lived in stark contrast to the elegance they strive to create. The harsh reality has relentlessly tested their bodies and spirits, clashing painfully with the world of sophistication they attempt to build.

Early Sapeurs often bankrupted themselves for stylish clothes, obsessively acquiring genuine second-hand luxury items from Europe. To outsiders, this seemed reckless — a perilous diversion from pursuing essential needs, which could lead to societal unrest and crime.

Spending a fortune on clothes and shoes offers little to no improvement in one’s quality of life! They were often perceived as delusional, lost in a fanciful illusion. Yet, the dream was undeniably beautiful. The tactile pleasure of fine fabrics, the vivid hues, and the genuine sense of camaraderie among Sapeurs — these tangible elements of their dream provided a powerful escape. During times of war and scarcity, this vivid fantasy had an impact as profound as LSD on the hippie movement; once inside, few wanted to leave.

However, examining the essence of maintaining this dream reveals a continuation of colonial exploitation, both cultural and economic. The clothing and fashion necessary to sustain this dream are all sourced from the former colonizers. These impoverished nations and peoples not only channel their limited wealth back to the colonizers, paying exorbitant premiums for luxury goods, but also rely entirely on the colonizers’ cultural output for their fashion and behavioral norms.

“The SAPE mast be an exchange. I take from you, you take from me.

But currently.

It’s only us taking from others!**” — Maxime Pivot

1.3 When Peace Arrives: Taking to the Streets, Shouting, and Finding Yourself

Sapeurs were once perceived as a threat to society, often viewed as dangerous and destabilizing. They were often likened to rats that everyone wanted to eliminate, frequently associated with reckless spending, theft, and robbery. Being a Sapeur often meant bringing shame upon one’s entire family.

However, in 2008 and 2009, with the wars coming to an end, the Sapeur movement underwent a profound transformation. France began offering direct support to candidates in the annual La Sape competition, which takes place every August 15th. In this event, the top Sapeur of the year would be selected. In 2009, Maxime Pivot won the title among ten competitors, six of whom had received backing from France, directly from Paris. When Maxime, who had received no external support, was declared the winner, public perception of him — and of Sapeurs in general — began to shift significantly.

People began to understand that being a Sapeur didn’t necessarily involve purchasing second-hand luxury items from Europe. One didn’t need substantial money — or the inclination to squander it — to be a Sapeur. Maxime’s outfits were completely designed and crafted by himself. The essence of La Sape is rooted in creativity and self-reliance, rather than in following trends or perpetuating cultural colonialism.

The perception of Sapeurs in Congolese society began to shift positively. People started recognizing that Sapeurs represented more than just fashion; they symbolized a code of conduct and a distinctive lifestyle. For example, the ‘Ten Commandments of Sapeurs,’ authored and advocated by Ben Moukacha in 2000, included:

  • 1- Thou shalt practise La Sape on Earth with humans and in heaven with God thy creator.

  • 2- Thou shalt bring to heel ngayas (non-connoisseurs), nbéndés (the ignorant), and tindongos (badmouthers) on land, under the earth, at sea and in the skies.

  • 3- Thou shalt honour Sapeology wherever thou goest.

  • 4- The ways of Sapeology are impenetrable for any Sapeologist who does not know the rule of 3: a trilogy of finished and unfinished colours.

  • 5- Thou shalt not give in.

  • 6- Thou shalt demonstrate stringent standards of hygiene in thy body and clothes.

  • 7- Thou shalt not be tribalistic, nationalist, racist or discriminatory.

  • 8- Thou shalt not be violent or insolent.

  • 9- Thou shalt abide by the Sapelogists' rules of civility and respect thy elders.

  • 10- Through prayer and these 10 commandments, thou, as a Sapeologist, shall conquer the Sapeophobes.

    Sape extends beyond gatherings, competitions, and clothing; it dwells in people’s hearts daily. It embodies a deep, holistic transformation, both internally and externally. Choosing to be a Sapeur means adhering to higher standards in every facet of life, including personal interactions.

Undoubtedly, Sape intertwines religious, scientific, and fashionable elements into a cohesive whole. It is a multifaceted and dynamic movement. Many Sapeurs are descendants of previous generations of Sapeurs — fathers, mothers, and grandparents — and as La Sape continues to be passed down through generations, today’s Sapeurs increasingly seek their own cultural identities. SAPE is a powerful weapon for the Congolese to challenge and break free from the constraints of cultural colonization. Former chieftains of the land are now regarded as the pioneers of the Sapeurs, inspiring them to reconnect with their unique roots, understand their heritage, and shape their own styles.

“For me, SAPE is only used when you break existing rules, like an enhancer. It’s a definitive cultural expression of who we are. If we dress like the British, French, or Chinese, we remain colonized. I’m proud to wear these clothes; I would rather wear clothes made in my homeland.” — Maxime Pivot

1.4 La Sape Transcends Divides, but We Struggle

“I became involved in this movement (La Sape) because of the civil wars and political strife that have divided our nation, and the racial issues that have torn it apart. When I saw my country being shattered, I noticed how this movement continued to thrive even after numerous civil wars. It made me appreciate the beauty in my own life (when I was 16 to 19 years old). Thanks to Sape, I realized how I used to live.” — Alain Akoula, former Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs

Vitality Says It All. La Sape’s vitality springs from the land itself and the sincere desires of its people. These desires are free from racial boundaries, limits, or political concerns. For Sapeurs, ‘politics’ is the most sensitive word. Whenever it is mentioned, Sapeurs shudder. Those Sapeurs close to power are often viewed with suspicion and ostracized by others in the community.

The refusal to align politically is also a survival strategy for Sapeurs.

“The SAPE, actually, to me is the concrete of national unity. And for our country, it’s the most beautiful thing that can exist here!” — Maxime Pivot

While Sapeurs are found across various sectors in Congo and all are important, let’s first focus on the fashion designers in Congo — those pioneering Sapeurs who create clothing for Sapeurs and promote Sape education.

Addressing Specific Issues Facing Sapeurs:

  1. “Congolese designers believe La Sape is in crisis; men’s tailoring in Brazzaville is nearly extinct. There are no apprentices left. Young people prefer to spend their time getting a driver’s license to become taxi drivers rather than learning tailoring, which requires more time, determination, and patience. Congolese designers are issuing a genuine warning. Given the current trend, the succession plan is uncertain. Not a single prominent designer such as Gauchemar, Jacquot Mouanangana, Molinar fils, or Lassys is under fifty years old. Yet all of them are willing to pass on their skills.” — Elvis Makouezi

  2. In addition to the issue of finding successors, renowned tailors and designers in Congo, like Maxime Pivot, face significant survival challenges. Maxime’s dream is quite simple: “to continue creating and selling his creations”, while his bigger aspiration is “to attract investors in the future to help us create our own brand”.

  3. From a broader perspective of the industry chain, the textile sector in Congo is hanging by a thread, with no supporting infrastructure for clothing production. Sapeur designer Armel’s vision is: “To have a small but robust industry chain supporting SAPE, producing for SAPE, rather than a Sapeur having to scour the world just to ‘get dressed.’”

  4. Even if the industry chain issues are partially or fully resolved, the human resources trap remains a severe problem for developing local industries in Congo and other African countries: “Whatever is made in congo doesn’t have any value. It’s like myself, Maxime Pivot. i’m a great artist. But the ones that are here don’t give me any value” — Maxime Pivot

These specific issues are underpinned by a stifling macroeconomic context:

The World Bank Group’s 2023 “Africa Pulse” report highlights that per capita economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has stagnated since 2015. Each year, 12 million people enter the labor market, but only about 3 million jobs are available. Young people face high unemployment, making even a position as a taxi driver a fortunate outcome, let alone aspiring to become a skilled tailor. Despite their talents, individuals have little chance to change their fate or pursue a different life through learning, as the current reality offers no opportunities for such transformations.

The report also emphasizes the need for investment in education and the development of semi-skilled trades in Sub-Saharan Africa. Such investments in vocational education could directly address the job shortage and provide support for those who missed educational opportunities in their youth.

Sub-Saharan Africa, home to 12% of the global working-age population, holds only 2% of global capital stock. This stark disparity means that the production resources available to each individual are extremely scarce.

This scarcity is at the heart of issues 1, 2, and 3. Designers, tailors, and textile factories in Africa lack the cutting-edge technologies found in developed countries. They only need modest funds to create, train apprentices, and restart production.

Global economic power and capital distribution resemble a pyramid, with Africa at the base and South Africa at the very bottom. Today, we are fortunate to find La Sape within this vast population, a shining example of human resilience. At this juncture, Web3, as a reservoir of overissued currency, has both the responsibility and the capability to provide these exceptional individuals with opportunities. Such opportunities are relatively inexpensive but can profoundly change lives. Web3 has the potential to connect the top and bottom of the pyramid, transforming the one-way pyramid into a beautiful, stable loop.

While AI is often hailed as a revolution in productivity, and Web3 as a revolution in production relationships, if this revolution merely deepens inequality — making the poor poorer and the rich richer — then whose revolution is it truly?

1.5 Web3 Brings Financial Justice to SAPE

Sapeurs demonstrate through their actions that, no matter the circumstances, you always have the power to choose who you want to be! Every Sapeur is born from a beautiful dream. Those who love life have hopes and dreams, but only those with the courage to face life head-on can hold onto their dreams and principles, even in the toughest times.

They say a great meme is like a social movement, a profound social idea that has been materialized, tokenized, and spreads across the market like a flood, engulfing everything in its path. So, what is the root of this social movement? It must be a beautiful, unproven dream, one that people are willing to fight for, even sacrifice for.

La Sape is precisely such a dream. La Sape is inherently a great meme, a dream that has persisted for over a century. Famine and endless civil wars have not extinguished this dream! After the wars, a Sapeur unearthed clothes he had buried before the conflict, only to find that due to the heat and soil, these expensive garments had disintegrated into dust. He said it felt as though a real person, someone who was once himself, had been buried underground. At that moment, the Sapeur realized that SAPE is not about clothing; it’s about an optimistic attitude towards life, about choosing to be a person of honor no matter the circumstances. So, he bid farewell to his former self and embraced a new beginning.

As La Sape has undergone this remarkable transformation, gaining acceptance in society and endorsement from the government, should we consider collaborating with the Sapeurs to realize our dream of financial justice in Web3? Just as choosing the right partners is crucial for any project, I believe that this group of individuals, who have thrived despite adversity, are the ones who will seize opportunities when they arise. I’m willing to give it a try.

A typical meme token, rooted in community consensus, has its influence limited by the extent of the consensus it can gather. For instance, PEOPLE$ is limited by the number of people who understand the constitution, while a shitcoin is limited by the capital the market maker has. Sometimes this limit is fixed, and other times it’s not. However, in different dynamic situations, the interaction between a meme’s cost and its influence can be visualized at any given time.

Let’s assume that “a” is an excellent meme that can quickly gather a large consensus at minimal cost, while “b” is a mediocre meme that requires substantial cost to build consensus and influence, yet has a low ceiling for consensus.

Let’s consider the Meme issued under the name of Sape as “c.” At first, it might not seem as appealing as “a,” and its real-world connections could mean higher costs, making it appear quite ordinary initially.

However, a Meme named after La Sape is grounded in reality. These costs do not flow directly to other holders or as charity. Web3 can address La Sape through four steps:

  1. Gather Web3 builders from Chinese, English, and French-speaking regions to start with content communities, promote La Sape, and explore the potential of Web3 in Africa. Raise awareness about the exceptional yet struggling individuals in South Africa.

  2. Launch a Meme Token in Web3 through community proposals, invest in the studios of renowned Sapeurs designers, and help them achieve their dreams. Some of their designs will be given as community raffle prizes. La Sape DAO, as an investor, will hold shares in the studios, with future profits decided by Meme Token holders or community members.

  3. Once La Sape DAO’s interests are deeply aligned with those of the designers, and if market demand grows steadily due to Web3’s influence, La Sape DAO will support skilled Congolese designers in opening training programs. This will help pass on skills and train young professionals. Such training will expand Sapeurs designers’ production and change young people’s lives. Even if market demand fluctuates, acquired skills remain valuable.

  4. If large-scale training of skilled workers leads to stable production and the market demand stabilizes, La Sape DAO will continue to invest in reviving local Congolese textile factories. This will produce high-quality, locally distinctive textiles, enhance the product itself, supplement the Congolese light industry chain, and be a genuine business endeavor and a benevolent act for Africa.

These four steps outline how Web3 can gradually integrate with the production and lives of Congolese Sapeurs. In this process, Meme Tokens serve as fundraising tools, promotional instruments, and essential nutrients for Web3 to take root in Congo.

Each step in these four initiatives holds the potential for substantial returns. Before Web3, few beyond the French-speaking world paid attention to La Sape, let alone were influenced to help Sapeurs designers realize their dreams or invest in an entire industry chain. This lack of attention was due to inadequate promotional tools and fundraising methods, making it difficult for community ideas to translate into actionable proposals and investments.

But now we have Web3, Meme coins, and DAOs. While those at the top of the financial pyramid with higher education may not know about Bitcoin and Meme coins, they are the exception rather than the rule. We need to harness the power of Meme coins and community efforts to amplify La Sape’s influence and achieve what has never been done before.

It is important to note that, from a purely financial investment perspective, the return on these investments may have a relatively long cycle, and the profit expectations might not be very attractive. However, from the perspective of Meme community development, the focus shifts to real people and their living conditions. Even if the investment costs are not quickly recouped, the project’s ongoing growth will sustain community confidence. As Web3 gradually improves the conditions for Sapeurs, the community’s confidence and consensus will grow accordingly, and the capital aggregated by this consensus will increase as well.

Attention from the top of the pyramid not only has the potential to change the fate of Sapeurs but also to address some demand-side issues. When the influence of Meme coins or the community translates into purchasing power on the demand side, Sapeurs’ dreams will come true. As shareholders, we will naturally see returns, creating curve c. If demand continues to grow and revenue and expenditure increase more rapidly, we will have a more attractive curve c’.

This is the charm of RWA-powered Meme Tokens with real vitality. In La Sape, Meme Tokens are not just rocket fuel but a stable catalyst, consistently bridging the top and bottom of the financial power pyramid. Under the banner of Web 3, they catalyze previously impossible chemical reactions, transforming from curve c to curve c’. This process raises the consensus ceiling for La Sape memes and recovers the costs already spent. With real-world catalysis, the curve c’ becomes much more attractive than it was initially.

This will be a haven for Degens, where they will charge forward like Don Quixote, undeterred by obstacles. True, life in the physical world is tough, and doing the right thing is hard, but someone has to fight the windmills. If they fail, it might just be a charitable meme — a brief, beautiful dream. But what if they succeed?

For La Sape Meme Token to succeed, it must align closely with the interests of Sapeurs and start from small steps. This will not be a quick financial game but a process of working with time. Web 3 will first change the fate of one person, then a few, dozens, hundreds, and eventually hundreds of people, building network effects. Through ongoing experimentation, we aim to create a business loop of Meme Token X RWA, and even Meme Token X RWA X DeFi. This victory will not be immediate but a steady, incremental process.

After all, the empty staking schemes and zero-sum meme games have left seasoned Degens weary. They need new hope and new dreams.

Here, Meme Token remains a starting point, not the end.

“Je vis dans une attente merveilleuse, j’attends n’importe quel avenir !” — — André Gide


— Part 2: Global South, Movements, Stable Proliferation, Memecoin Totem & Factory—

In Part 1, we discussed specific challenges, including the people and issues involved. In this section, I will explore and elaborate on how Web3 should position itself when confronting these challenges alongside local communities. Specifically, I will examine how La Sape DAO should align itself in its partnership with Sapeurs to establish a long-term presence and sustain itself in the Global South.

2.1 Stable Proliferation & Capitalist Expansion

Tiller growth refers to a type of plant growth where new shoots, such as rhizomes or lateral branches, emerge from underground or above-ground stems. This process enables plants to extend their coverage and growth space. In simple terms, tillering is a natural mechanism by which plants methodically and steadily replicate themselves to expand their growing area.

“Stable Proliferation” introduces an added dimension, emphasizing not just “gradual” and “stable” growth but also prioritizing “balance,” “stability,” and “sustainability” as overarching goals.

During Stable Proliferation, the relationship between the primary species and its surrounding environment is inherently symbiotic.

In contrast, the capitalist philosophy of expansion is characterized by speed, focusing on the rapid acquisition of resources, scalability, and capital efficiency. Capitalism tends to retreat or innovate only when it encounters obstacles. Its ultimate objective is “sustainable over-exploitation.” While the social contradictions arising from capitalist expansion and monopolization are often concealed in developed regions, the situation is starkly different in the Global South.

Under capitalist expansion, the relationship between the primary species and the environment is invariably parasitic. The flow of benefits is unidirectional and irreversible, rather than a balanced exchange. One could even argue that it represents a destructive invasion of local diversity by an external species (monopoly).

In a natural environment, the dominance of an invasive species tends to be swift and straightforward. Building on our earlier discussion about La Sape, consider the Dutch textile company Vlisco as an example. Founded and developed in the latter half of the 19th century, Vlisco initially profited from early technological innovations. By the early 20th century, it capitalized on the productivity gains from the Industrial Revolution, focused on continuous brand development, and consistently innovated in design. Over time, it integrated more African cultural elements, eventually leading and even shaping market trends in Africa. By the 1950s to 1980s, Vlisco had established a monopoly and, in the following decades, systematically drove more than half of the indigenous textile mills across Africa out of business.

Recently, Vlisco’s annual sales in Africa have hovered around $300 million, commanding more than half of the market share. This is a clear depiction of the growth curve of an invasive species.

However, is rapid monopolization and the destruction of native industries the inevitable outcome in a supposedly fair market where the survival of the fittest prevails?

Nature suggests otherwise:

Nature, with its unparalleled wisdom and power, leads us toward balance and harmony.

2.2 Stable Proliferation as a Social Action Guide for Web3 in the Global South

Stable proliferation, like the natural expansion of bamboo in the wild, grows through underground rhizomes (bamboo runners) that produce new shoots. In the early stages, bamboo growth is relatively slow, but once a strong root system is established, it can expand rapidly, forming dense bamboo forests. Although the final expansion is swift, it is rooted in a deep foundation, and the underlying expansion of the bamboo forest remains gradual.

This growth is gradual, with each step forward being exploratory. The nutrients drawn from the soil are not distributed according to a hierarchical power structure but are simply returned to nature and to the nearby connected root systems.

Additionally, decision-making in a bamboo forest is decentralized, without a central brain dictating its actions. This gives the bamboo forest strong adaptability, with underlying rules that are altruistic. The bamboo forest prioritizes distributing the resources it gathers to new shoots, ensuring internal resource balance. By focusing on higher-level needs (the long-term survival of the species), the bamboo forest creates rules that are altruistic internally and self-serving externally, achieving fair resource distribution and avoiding the collapse caused by the monopolization of resources by a single entity.

This is precisely the essence of Web3! Many Web3 innovations, such as flash loans, is excellent tool for ensuring fair distribution of opportunities and benefits. In the long run, they will make the entire blockchain network more robust.

Blockchain is not an application; it is a network. The expansion of network nodes, like the growth of a bamboo forest, emphasizes individual autonomy and decentralized decision-making while ensuring overall balance and stability through transparent and fair rules.

The underlying logic described above is the complete opposite of conventional capitalist expansion, which centralizes resources around capital. Resources are drawn to short-term profits, leading to monopolies and competitive pressure. As monopolies devour all related opportunities, they leave the local market highly dependent on external forces. When macroeconomic conditions shift, this can create strong negative externalities.

For the Global South — markets that have been ravaged by colonialism and capitalism, where the ecosystem is extremely unbalanced — Web3 must not inject new capital to follow the rules set by past victors. That would be like hitting a stone with an egg. Instead, Web3 must follow the laws of nature and carve out its own path. This path will be challenging and slow, but it will be stable, one step at a time, like the growth of a bamboo forest. This approach is more aligned with the underlying principles of blockchain technology. This is Stable Proliferation, the wisdom of nature, and the social action guide for Web3 as it makes its initial steps in the Global South.

2.3 How Web3 Can Interact with SAPE to Drive Social Change

In the pursuit of social movements and the establishment of new networks and models, how should we operate and leverage Web3 to plant the seeds of Web3 in the hearts of the people?

First, let’s examine attempts to rebuild Africa’s light industry before the advent of Web3:

  1. Studio 189 (Ghana)

Founded in 2013 by an actress and a fashion entrepreneur, Studio 189 aims to drive social progress through fashion and creativity, supporting Ghanaian artisans and communities. The company uses traditional Ghanaian craftsmanship, ensures environmentally friendly production processes, and provides artisans with incomes approximately twice the national average, along with basic health insurance for frontline workers.

From a Web3 perspective, however, some obvious drawbacks emerge: the funding channels are singular and the flow of funds is opaque. For instance, the price of a dress on the website is $495 USD, but we cannot see where this money goes. Despite being a project that claims to “drive social change” through fashion and creativity, I see only capital flow and increased worker income, but not the emergence of subjectivity.

Most importantly, the artisans do not have decision-making or design power. Power here is top-down and centralized, which does not fully stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the laboring people.

2. Tongoro (Senegal)

Tongoro is a brand founded by a Senegalese designer, 100% African-made. The designer’s long-term vision is to rejuvenate Africa’s craft industry through design and fashion, and he has achieved this by using his talent and connections to break into the European and American markets, collaborating with celebrities, and gaining international recognition.

Although Tongoro has achieved significant international recognition and success from a designer brand perspective, it still faces difficulties entering international markets. Potential consumers struggle to see the direct origin and production process of the products and find it hard to differentiate the brand from other Western design brands.

The root problems are quite simple: uneven distribution of profits; uneven distribution of financing; and a lack of originality in product context, making it hard to gain broader acceptance.

Web3 clearly has the potential to address these fundamental issues. Tokens are inherently financial equity tools. However, before using tokens to establish point-to-point financial flows with real-world entities (such as Sapeur designer studios, textile factories, and tailoring schools), Web3 needs to first build a face-to-face connection with the SAPE movement. In other words, we need to bring the SAPE movement itself to Web3, using Web3 to better propagate SAPE.

However, the flow of funds requires motivation. There is a gap between “it can be done” and “LFG” . In the Web2 era and before, geographical and cultural barriers indirectly hindered the flow of funds, while administrative uncertainties and default risks directly blocked it. As we move into Web3, can we resolve the issues of motivation and trust in fund flow?

2.3.1 Where Do Motivation and Trust for Capital Flow Come From?

All capital flows and transactions inherently carry a purpose and motivation. When someone decides to transfer their funds in exchange for something, they typically encounter the following four scenarios:

  1. Point a: When emotions don’t understand, and reason says no, this leads to actions that won’t happen — investments or purchases that simply won’t take place.

  2. Point b: Emotional impulses lacking rational backing, such as chasing trendy memes or impulse buying.

  3. Point c: Well-considered decisions that align with one’s worldview, such as buying spot Ethereum.

  4. Point d: Exciting and energizing decisions that get better the more you think about them — LFG!!!

This coordinate system breaks down the motivation for capital flow into emotional response (y-axis) and rational thinking (x-axis). However, these two aspects are deeply intertwined. An individual’s emotions are subjective and random, but when individual emotions spread and form a collective sentiment, they can influence the objective judgment of a target. Therefore, to get people to support the dreams of the Sapeurs and participate in this social movement, it’s essential to first make more people aware of SAPE and passionate about it.

The spread of collective sentiment is akin to the random growth of rhizomes. If we use Web3 as an example, if enough of the Web3 community is moved by the spirit of the SAPE movement and collective sentiment is formed, La Sape DAO will move from Point a to Point b (Step 1).

2.3.2 Translating Collective Emotion into Action

As the emotions and passion for SAPE within the Web3 community grow, questions like “How can we help Sapeur designers?” and “What can we do to help Sapeurs live more decently?” will naturally emerge within the community. At this point, our emotions will push us beyond mere inspiration and sentiment. The collective emotion will begin to expand, altering objective reality, and a small portion of liquidity will start to flow into the real world. This marks the transition from Point b to the exploration of Point c, entering the first quadrant (Step 2). Only then will the motivation for capital flow become established.

The vessel that carries us on this initial journey will be the meme. Memes will guide us in exploring the real world, wandering randomly with maximum possibility, and carving out new paths that bring the Sapeurs closer to everyone — closer than ever before. Only by doing so will we have the opportunity to explore the creation of trust.

2.3.3 Memes as Totems: Engraving SAPE on the Blockchain and Spreading It Worldwide @TheRebeccaWONG

SAPE is a social movement by the people of Congo seeking self-identity and attempting to reclaim their spiritual sovereignty. This movement needs to be recorded, organized, and distilled into totemic symbols. However, this totem must be dynamic, and memes can serve as an editable, everlasting totem on the blockchain for the SAPE movement.

  • What is a Totem?

A totem is first and foremost a cultural symbol that represents the group behind it. Beyond being a cultural symbol, a totem also carries the mark of identity recognition. With cultural and group identity established, the totem further regulates the corresponding group’s social structure and social behavior, and may even define new social taboos. The “Ten Commandments of SAPE” mentioned in the previous article are an excellent example of this.

Currently, the SAPE movement is decentralized, with multiple centers and multiple narratives. There are different categories and factions within SAPE, and within SAPE, there are individuals with varying values and styles. The creation of the SAPE totem will not break down this decentralized structure or destroy its diversity. On the contrary, the SAPE totem will increasingly embrace the diversity of this movement. Through organization and synthesis, it will bring together different messages and values for everyone to re-understand and choose from. Therefore, the creation of the SAPE totem is a process of reaching a global consensus within the SAPE movement, and it will expand SAPE’s influence while increasing its diversity.

  • What Can Web3 Do for the SAPE Totem?

Immutability and Permanence: Web3 ensures the consensus-building process of the SAPE totem is preserved. Every negotiation, community proposal, and internal or external conflict is securely recorded on a tamper-proof ledger. The only cost involved is the transaction fee for writing these records, without requiring SAPE-related entities to bear ongoing data maintenance costs.

DAO Tools Facilitate Legitimate Consensus: Decentralized consensus-building and collaboration among non-centralized, non-profit organizations have always been challenging. DAO tools offer ready-made collaboration tools that aid in forming consensus and smoothing the collaborative process.

Distributing Ownership of the SAPE Totem: Distributing ownership and decision-making power using Web3’s tokenization method is the most cost-effective solution for achieving this goal. It is also the only solution for communities that are “financially unreachable.” Tokenization lays the legal foundation for consensus within a DAO.

Directly Pricing the SAPE Totem: Beyond ownership and decision-making power, tokens allow abstract symbols or totems to be directly financialized as tangible investment assets. For communities that are “financially unreachable,” tokens provide a more direct financial bridge between the SAPE movement and the outside world. However, we must remain vigilant at every step to avoid the negative externalities that may arise from the freedom in form and trade.

  • Why Use Memes to Represent the Totem?

Among all token forms, memes are the most “de-layered” and suitable for embodying social movements and public sentiment. Memes do not offer any financial promises or visions (they do not create elaborate financial or application-level promises). Just like this social movement, which is driven only by emotions, principles, and demands, without any predictable direction. Memes are the only tokens that primarily convey emotion, making them the best starting point for this totem.

Meme is intangible, like water; it becomes whatever container it is placed in. Put it in a cup, and it becomes a cup; put it in a teapot, and it becomes a teapot.”

2.3.4 Using Memes to Build a Vital Meta-Narrative and Ensure Peer-to-Peer Fund Flow

  • Meme as SAPE Totem and Individual Narrative Fundraising: Relationships and Differences

A meme as a totem establishes the financial connection between the SAPE movement and everyone. However, the SAPE movement is composed of individual people. When a group’s cultural totem is recognized, each vibrant individual behind the group should be able to leverage the SAPE collective narrative to spread their personal stories.

Meme as a totem consolidates the focus of individual narrative memes, while individual narrative memes enhance or undermine the impact of the SAPE totem.

  • Inspired by A Model Meme Factory’s Twitter description: “Launch a coin that is instantly tradeable for under $2 in one click.”

Anyone can issue a token here by simply filling out a form and paying a gas fee. The simplicity of token issuance contrasts with the complexity of spreading and establishing consensus., as a one-click token launch tool, provides retail investors with the opportunity to create their own memes, echoing Andy Warhol’s vision: “Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.”

The democratization of narrative and token issuance has led to’s great success. It’s often described as a massive casino, a never-ending liquidity party, and an excellent meme factory. It has moved away from projects that create negative externalities and improved the odds of retail investors to a zero-sum level.

However, no party lasts forever. Besides the casino owner, there are no permanent winners. The gambler’s nature is a double-edged sword. Players need to understand that before leaving, the only way to change their fate of being liquidated is to find a purpose that connects reality and avoids the void. Adding a positive external purpose to the Meme Factory could shift the gamble from mere liquidity to a positive-sum future. If we recognize this purpose, what should we do?

  • Purpose Gives Soul to Meme Factory: Redefining’s Paradigm

With the real-world SAPE movement as an anchor, a positive external purpose can transform the meme factory from an “endless casino” to a “SAPE Mosaic.” Instead of each small table being a zero-sum gamble, they become vivid stories with clear needs and desires from the real world.

People coming to this “Meme Mosaic Factory” might come from diverse social environments and ideological frameworks. They will see concrete dilemmas and opportunities through specific narratives — some may be hauntingly shocking or primal opportunities that are long gone in developed areas.

We don’t know if people will reject these boundary-breaking stories, but we know no one has done anything similar before. We also know that in some regions, the cost of a meal can provide life-changing production resources to a laborer in the South. If a bridge is built between these two worlds, would investors be willing to invest in a person’s fate for the cost of a meal?

In this new paradigm, there is no struggle between capitalists and retail investors, only financial hierarchies and funding flows based on “beneficial relationships” (no branch) and “reciprocal relationships” (yes branch).

2.3.5 Ensuring Fair Play and Building Trust in Meme Factory

  • Core Concept: Fair Casino

The core idea of’s product is to provide a fair gambling table. In Web3, funding flows need fair play, which involves not just zero-sum games but also positive-sum games. Imagine if the Meme Factory had a purpose that generates positive externalities for the world, anchored in Real-World Assets (RWA) and “sustainability.” Would people be willing to “choke for their dreams”? Would they bet on the future for love and freedom? Such a “bet” could provide emotional comfort to liquidity providers through emotional value. Establishing a “failure feedback” system is crucial. We need to ensure that the combined results of emotional and rational coordinates reach the first quadrant — greater than zero-sum, greater than 50% — so that liquidity will flow in.

  • Addressing Fraud and Building Trust

We must confront fraud and improve prevention systems. Yunus’s microfinance projects offer a market-validated mechanism as a reference. Although memes are not credit tools, narrative-based memes also carry “promises that need to be fulfilled.” This contradiction is milder compared to “repaying with interest.” Both fraud prevention and comforting narrative failures are essential for gradually building trust.

  • Responding to Trust When Dreams Are Unfulfilled

If honest participants fail to achieve their dreams, how should the business flow respond to the trust placed in it? A closed-loop process needs to be established for “individual narrative failures,” including “fact collection” → “truth disclosure” → “result analysis” → “experience summary.” This way, the lessons learned from failed narratives and funding flows can be remembered and thought through, preventing the wasted liquidity from attention.

2.4 The Core Wisdom of Stable Proliferation: Timing Your Exit

Avoid Exploiting the People

The financing relationships of individual memes and the funding relationships initiated by SAPE totem memes should aim to “recover costs without extracting excessive profits.” Especially once the project is running smoothly, La Sape DAO should focus on “how to stabilize the project and benefit the people” rather than “how to accumulate more capital for xxx.” La Sape DAO must avoid the label of “capitalists” because, as outsiders, we should collaborate and create mutual benefits rather than exploit local wisdom to establish our own companies and act as vampires on the local people.

Maintaining the Purity of “Not Being a Capitalist”

Maintaining the purity of “not being a capitalist” will keep La Sape DAO appealing to everyone. We don’t need to accumulate capital; we need to remain attractive and just. To win people’s hearts, we should adhere to idealism and “just” actions.

However, “justice” is not static. Right and wrong, black and white, are always dynamic. How can we stay sensitive to “justice” and remain closely connected with the people?

Assume Limited Responsibility and Focus on New Narratives

We must assume limited responsibility and refocus our efforts on discovering new narratives, dreams, and memes, to achieve more from 0 to 1. While growth from 1 to 100 is appealing, the “dream realization” from 0 to 1 is the most irreplaceable niche Web3 can occupy in advancing SAPE.

We must not only avoid long-term accumulation of primary benefits but also timely disengage from the project once it is stable. Sell what can be sold and give away what can be given, ensuring our main focus remains undivided. We are not here to become local landlords but to tackle difficult tasks. Only by continuously addressing these challenges can the meme carrying the SAPE totem survive and thrive.

Emphasizing Again: Turning the Impossible into Possible

Whether it’s the previous introduction of La Sape or this detailed exploration, the starting point of all thoughts is “the emotional compensation brought by justice,” i.e., “this operation is right, and xxx has the responsibility to achieve this vision, and we will always stand with the people on this path.” This emotional value can be conveniently priced in the two types of memes above, helping La Sape DAO overcome the initial challenges.

Although this approach of considering details starting from positive externalities might seem counterintuitive and challenging, it will not deviate from the original intention or essence.

Man models himself after the Earth;

The Earth models itself after Heaven;

The Heaven models itself after Tao;

Tao models itself after nature.


**: Bamboo can sometimes become an invasive species, especially moso bamboo, which often threatens the safety of wooden houses. In fact, when capital’s foundation is not deeply rooted, it is like a wooden house floating on the soil. The real threat to the wooden house is not the bamboo itself, but the bamboo’s root system.

***: The four-year period for calculating the benefits of Stable Proliferation originates from a speech by Mou Qizhong in the 1990s. The concept of Stable Proliferation also comes from Mou Qizhong. In his theory of Stable Proliferation (Wisdom Economy South Group Declaration), if an idea supported by the South Group takes root and operates stably, the South Group should not extract major benefits for more than four years (while control is never to be demanded from start to finish). This idea is quite intriguing.

****: Meme still acts like a filler, bridging gaps in a puzzle. Meme also resembles wild grass; when everything is barren, wild grass can dominate and survive, even in the harshest conditions, even in the tightest crevices.

*****: @TheRebeccaWONG: The buttocks determine the head; purpose dictates everything. Lacking a clear purpose is a significant problem. Many so-called “social experiments” are merely steps to self-relieve awkwardness.

Note: La Sape DAO currently does not exist; it is merely an initiative, an imagined project. However, if you are interested, we can work together to turn this vision into reality! Feel free to contact me!



Part 1:

Part 2:

Translated by loxia.eth. As a non-native English speaker, I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors!

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