Request to build - LaunchDAO, launch first build later.
January 22nd, 2022

This is basically me hijacking @abhilashi’s idea

“99% tokens to the community”

Here’s a spec doc for building a tool to quickly launch a DAO.

Idea → Launch

As soon as a person has an idea, they should be able to launch a DAO, a token and invite the community to come build it.

To create a dao

  • Pick an ENS domain you own
  • Hit create DAO

What it does

  • Deploys an ERC 20 token contract with
    • Name : ENS name selected above
    • Symbol : Same as name
    • Decimals : 18
    • Total Supply : 1M
    • mint 10K tokens to the Owner
    • has a function mint(address to, uint amount) public onlyOwner
      • checks if amount is still unminted
      • Only owner can mint
      • Emits mint event

Create a landing page for the DAO

Pie chart

Show who owns how much

  • Calculated using GraphProtocol based on mint event and transfer event
  • Display Pie by fetching data from GraphProtocol (Address : Tokens Owned)

Meta data

Title : ENS name

Current value of the token on Uniswap

Buy token button, redirect to Uniswap

Twitter/discord/website links fetched from ENS. Supported links :

  • com.twitter
  • com.discord
  • com.snapshot
  • url


I’ll bootstrap this product with the product itself.

We’ll launch a dao using this tool, I’ll use it to give you 99% of the tokens

I’ll deposit my 10K tokens and 1ETH to provide liquidity on uniswap. So you can sell all your tokens to get 1 ETH today and much more in the future :)

Condition : needs to be open sourced on GPL or MIT lisence

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